Keep getting this when clicking the Recet tab after ariving at the home page. Not all videos are broken though.
Cant figure out a way to attach a screen shot though.
The_Lamented (Short Spike)
Here we go. I get this when borwsing all the time....
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Critikal (Site Administrator)
The videos themselves should work, it's just having trouble getting the screenshot from youtube. Not sure why that is, but that's why you see the placeholder image.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
The reason is that the script grabbing the thumbnail is looking at maxresfdefault.jpg but this is unreliable , it should be looking for hqdefault.jpg or mqdefault.jpg
Example, here's one of the videos with broken thumb:
maxresdefault is broken ->
whereas, mqdefault works ->
anybody know what would cause this?? Just switched video cards and now my thumbs are jacked
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
i'm no web developer but the problem is not your pc. the sites not grabbing a screenshot of the vid or something its just using video-x-generic.png as the thumb
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RaiThioS (Short Spike)
Last I spoke with Danmanjones he believed it was a youtube update that fuckered it up. Not sure on that though.
(Short Spike)
Here we go. I get this when borwsing all the time....

(Site Administrator)
The videos themselves should work, it's just having trouble getting the screenshot from youtube. Not sure why that is, but that's why you see the placeholder image.
(Old Spike)
The reason is that the script grabbing the thumbnail is looking at maxresfdefault.jpg but this is unreliable , it should be looking for hqdefault.jpg or mqdefault.jpg
Example, here's one of the videos with broken thumb:
maxresdefault is broken ->
whereas, mqdefault works ->
(Short Spike)
anybody know what would cause this?? Just switched video cards and now my thumbs are jacked
(Old Spike)
i'm no web developer but the problem is not your pc. the sites not grabbing a screenshot of the vid or something its just using video-x-generic.png as the thumb
(Short Spike)
Last I spoke with Danmanjones he believed it was a youtube update that fuckered it up. Not sure on that though.
(Short Spike)
seems to be all fixed today!