Can't edit comments

tumbi's picture

looks like we can't edit our own comments anymore (before they've been replied to) which I thought was a nice feature for when I fucked up an embed or the like

TheWeirdo's picture
Beta Tester

It is a nice feature, but dude, I remember a few instances of assholes posting a comment/video title/video description, causing a reaction and then editing that post.

What I feel here is that if you said it, you said it.

Let it be a typo or whatever, justify youself if you want.

Other than that, take the shitstorm you create!

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tumbi's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userGif gallery
But on this beta site we can still edit the video description and even the video of the posts we submit. I see your point about people having to own up to their own shitstorms but wouldn't we ensure that by locking comments only after they have been replied to (which is the current solution on spiked) and maybe extending that to video description?
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TheWeirdo's picture
Beta Tester

Yeah, I see it now lol.

I just made a long stretch of "comments" trying to post a gif, that I can't seem to delete.

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Critikal's picture
Beta Testercock

So I've enabled comment editing for Nationals. 

Let me know if you can edit your comments after someone has replied to it.

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hell_viper1's picture
Beta Tester

I personally liked the fact that you couldn't edit your comment once someone replied to it

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TheWeirdo's picture
Beta Tester

Yeah, I can edit my comments, I just can't delete them, which is what I want to do.

I says, comment field is required when I erase and save it.

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Critikal's picture
Beta Testercock

It says that because you're not deleting a comment, you're just updating one to be blank (which you're not allowed to do).

I think on the current live site you can't delete a comment after someone has replied either.

In any case I'll look into getting comments to behave like to currently do on the live site.


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hell_viper1's picture
Beta Tester

Just FYI for TheWeirdo, when people currently want to delete a comment, they replace it with something like '.'

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