Suction cups
Brachistochrone curve. Fastest route for a ball.
Drop of water on glass powder
(7 votes)
(Short Spike)
For the sake of my shithouse Australian internet could you try using webms? #9 is 172MB.
Otherwise 5/5 tyvm
(Site Moderator)
Will look into it, but it may be beyond my meagre web skills. Any idea how to embed that in a comment?
(Short Spike)
Welp I tried to embed a webm (random one off gfycat) and it worked in the preview, but not once I posted the comment for some reason. You can try with a different source maybe? Here's the code I copy-pasted from a html for dummies page:
<video autoplay="" height="240" width="320"><source src="https://thumbs.gfycat.com/AmbitiousBriefIchneumonfly-mobile.mp4" type="video/webm" /> <source src="movie.ogg" type="video/ogg" /> Your browser does not support the video tag.</video>
(Old Spike)
commisserations. i remember when i lived in australia and how shit the internet was.
(Long Spike)
is number 10 dead? She didn't have a bungee on her...
(Site Moderator)
I think the black stuff above her shoes might be the bungee