Weekly Image Gallery 09/21/2018


trooper_trent's picture
lawngnome's picture

Thanks for the support, It should be quite fun to do.


There's been lots of times that Spiked has rallied.

Be hush hush about it, but I think it's all layed out for that to be coming in the near future.

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Vuarra's picture

I've been a member for more than a decade (more than 20 years, I think).  I've seen a lot of changes over that time, but I'm always here to see the daily and weekly picture postings.  Good work, kind sir/ma'am.

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delt_osvp-'s picture

20 years? the OG site came out around 2003 

























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Vuarra's picture

Don't drink and post, kids.
You're right, but I could swear that Crave had an incarnation back in the day.

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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

yeah the gifs is on the list. i can set up the page no problem but we need someone to do it and theres the matter of content. 

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8DaVyWaVyBaBy8's picture

Great pics. Thx


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Kibernizzle's picture

#66 is quite interesting. I always thought the average rent was ridiculous in the US, as you often hear how it's difficult to pay that shit on time.  

What is the minimum wage in USA? 


I'm required to work just around 60 hours a month, with my minimum wage job, in order to afford the monthly rent. 

Our "minimum wage" is around 17 dollars.

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lawngnome's picture

$7.25, or state minimum. (Plus, everything is run on credit nowadays. So you are paying for paying for stuff.)


I got into Nerdwallet to build my credit... 20-30 credit accounts open with little used in each account is recommended.


It's not a good system, at all. - Then think about tighter zoning and structured housing classes. It's easy to fall back in the stream, and it's hard to catch up in these parts. 


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hellyeah's picture

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor top notch gif

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Cahu's picture

#6 is vicious, I'm all for freedom of speech, but let's not turn ourselves into assholes

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Kaolla's picture

Oooh a gallery earlier than expected! But does this mean Violet is done-done? If so, will be missed. Good luck gnome! You can do eet!

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lawngnome's picture

There is word that Violet will pop in from time to time to bless us with his finesse.


It's set up so any mod/admin can do it.

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