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(Old Spike)
I'm kind of between the ring of pride and the locket of lust. Lust is a powerful thing, you could wear it for a job interview and never wear it again. Kinda sucks on the whole soul thing. How about you can only chose 1 and use it for 1 month only, after which the effects completely wear off.
(Short Spike)
IMO the only ones worth considering are the gun (imortality), and the ring (knowledge, wealth, and power)
The others are all very sub-par compared to this:
- Wallet of greed: This is just the lazy version of the ring. The wallet just lets you get less money for less effort. With the ring, you could take up almsot any job in the world (including some bank CEO)
- Watch is also the lazy version of the gun. You expand your life by up to 33% by pressing a button. Where the gun lets you expand your life indefinitely (by killing people of course)
- Glasses are for people with no self confidence, and who want to manipulate other people. There are better items for both these
- Flask: A bit better as this effectively improves your longevity more effectively than the watch (since you no longer require sleep), and just lets you eat a lot
- Locket: This is also a lazy version of the ring/gun. With the resources of either of these you could achieve 'similar' results.
I am actually pretty torn between the gun and ring. The ring would make your life a lot more interesting. But imortality isn't anything to sneeze at...
(Long Spike)
i disagree, the watch imo may be the most powerful. Thinking outside the box, Demon's love to make deals, and what if this deal was offered to mulitple people but there is only one of each artifact. The Watch could then be used to "take" all other artifacts. Gun is a close second for me, if the 1st scenario doesn't apply. I have questions for this demon.
(Short Spike)
I think that if you assume you can 'steal' all the other artifacts it makes the question pointless. I was pretty sure the question implied you can only have 1.
Otherwise the choice clearly becomes the artifacts that let you steal the others (I would argue that the gun or ring accomplishes this most efficiently assuming you are not all starting in the same room together). Otherwise, you would need to locate all the other people or find their names in order to steal the artifacts with the watch or locket.
(Long Spike)
Gun of Wrath, then find whoever has the Specs of Envy and team up.
(Old Spike)
Locket of Lust. Make the other 6 fall in love with me, murder them, steal their stuff.
(Site Administrator)
flask, lets me become the fully fledged alcoholic i've been fighting off for decades now with none of the side effects.
god fucking damn it, now i'm thinking about drinking again.
(Old Spike)
I used to think I wasn't an alcoholic until I realized that I HATED social gatherings where there wasn't any alcohol. It took me A LOT of time to learn how to enjoy social gatherings and dinners with my wife where I wasn't chugging down and entire bottle of wine by myself (I know, it doesn't sound like much, but it really got me). Now I know I'm alcohol dependant. I depend on it to have a good time, and also I find myself drinking it alone much more than before. I guess the fact that I quit smoking 6 months ago and that work is stressing me out is not helping ONE bit. I'm using the "if I don't have it, I don't drink it" rule, but I know that in a couple years time I'm either going to have to cold turkey or start feeling the combination of alcohol + age get to me, but the fact of cold turkeying alcohol scares the crap out of me. I don't know why because I never considered alcohol to be that great a thing, but I guess its not until it is. Dangerous thing.