NSFW below.....
(10 votes)
NSFW below.....
(Site Administrator)
Very nice!
I notice #4 pic under NSFW has an 'outie'. Are we pushing the limits? ;-) I remember when the last clitoris to appear on Spiked was 'Avatar-blue', lols.
(Long Spike)
I'm going to have to go back for a second look. I'll let you know....
(Site Moderator)
Shit, didn't even notice that.
Do we have some actual NSFW rules, if so, what are they?
Also why would we need them if the pics are from free sites and are publically available to begin with.
My own guideline is just to keep it tastefull. Some putang slips here and there.
(Site Administrator)
Lols, I only see 5 star reviews and don't hear anyone complaining. The phrasing used by some of us on this site is definitely adult so I'm inclined to agree that the odd nip or nude only serves to bring joy (@Nakey, chime in if this means some additional advisory is needed). But agree that it should be kept tasty... tasteful I mean.
(Site Moderator)
Yeah I'm 100% sure nobody here would complain.
Just a matter of what the admins allow / want or if theres some legality stuff that I'm not aware of.
Back in the day spiked had hardcore porn gif galleries and beheadings but times have changed.
(Site Administrator)
ok i'll chime in.
you guys know what you're doing and can figure it out for yourselves. the question becomes one of: do we need a seporate gallery for such things? we're older folk now and some of us have kids. then again some of us are still living in our parents basement with a set of chrome bookmarks that would keep a team of theoretical psychologist writing papers on it for decades and a collection of fleshlights so vast it needs it's own custom Arduino controlled rotating magazine and delivery system.
having said that, at this point i don't see an issue and agree with bobbob.
oh btw, good work.
(Old Spike)
I consider spiked nsfw full stop.
(Site Administrator)
From a language perspective I'll agree. I think we're just being a little careful (eg. adding the 'NSFW below....' with space before the photos, so that you don't suddenly find yourself having to explain to little Timmy that it's perfectly normal that his pants suddenly got a little tight after he caught a glimpse of daddy's phone at the dinner table. ;-)