Weekly Image Gallery 10/06/2018


Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

top marks again gnome, you're doing a great job!

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Kaolla's picture

Amazing job gnome, last week I was a little skeptical but after going through this I cannot wait for the next one! You're doing great. :D

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lawngnome's picture

Thanks. It's been nice getting a warm reception for these, even though the flow could be better and I'm all over the place sometimes.


There are quirks and tricks to a few things, it's funny.
-For example, it's no bueno when you drag an image from another tab into say #70, but just a bit too far so it opens the image over your compiling gallery.   *sigh


It's much easier now than before, I'm sure.  

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sato's picture

much like. any chance there will be a function to leave descriptions for the pictures? knowing what they're about would make them even better.

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lawngnome's picture

Yup, there is a function and I just threw up hover text boxes for some nondiscript ones. 


See again 4, 31, 33, 36, 39, 42, 44, 47, 51, 61

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So3's picture


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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras


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Hansimus's picture

There is so much hypothetical nonsense in this picture it is truly disturbing that people actually believe this shit. 

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