Hi all Nakey here. Did somebody get the number of that Mount gay black barrel rum (no homo)? That stuff ran me over and left a mark.
Anyhoo looks like the powers that be want me to do two of these things in a row no less. so for the next two weeks your arses are mine.
better strap yourselves in.
i think that's first image gallery that's more NSFW than the NSFW part.
Scary part is i'm holding back.
thank you and, i think i need to puke.
Nakey out!
(10 votes)
(Old Spike)
What month is 16?
(Site Administrator)
The one that hung over me put down. But fear not! We aim to please here at spikednation so I'll fix that right up for ya 🙂
(Site Administrator)
Yup. Date format now switched back over to 'stupid' 😂
(Site Administrator)
is canada like australia with day/month/year format?
(Old Spike)
Only One word describes this gallery

(Old Spike)