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Sorry for the screw up, but hopefully this was some consolation for you. Enjoy the new site! ^_^
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(Short Spike)
Old galleries are like hearing from an old friend
(Long Spike)
#86 had me cracking up so hard! Also, anyone know how to get your Fallout 4 to look like that, is that a mod? :o Thank you for the old gallery, what's old is new to me again!
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
Women... NMH
(Old Spike)
I'm pretty sure #5 is the beggining to some kind of f'd up porno flick
(Long Spike)
I was about to make a comment about it having some old images. I'll throw my images back up from last week.
(Site Administrator)
great gallery ninja, you the man!
(Short Spike)
That the gallery is an old one is not a problem. My only problem, I can't rate it 5 stars. Why no ratings?!?!
(Long Spike)
Web toed mutants.. not sure if grossed out or not.
(Long Spike)
Quick question: where exactly can I find the "new" forums to post comical pictures for you to repost in these galleries?
(Site Administrator)
So you haven't seen the "forum" link along the top?
(Long Spike)
I do see it but I'm not exactly sure where to post images. There is a "Something Funny?" section of the forums but the last submission there was 6 months ago. I'll upload them there and see if they catch anyone's attention.
(Site Administrator)
I'll ask [@Violetninja420] to advise you
(Long Spike)
(Old Spike)
gifs gifs gifs
(Short Spike)
nice! bring on the (NSFW) GIFS ...
(Long Spike)
I had missed these images before, so thanks a bunch!
(Short Spike)