Weekly Image Gallery 02/13/2019


ninjzz3.0's picture

# 5



Image result for flowers that look like breasts



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Kaolla's picture

#68 is me every time I cook something. Even if I already know the instructions by heart, I still pull the darn box from the trash and double check. v_v

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hell_viper1's picture
Beta Tester

I leave the pasta box on the counter now, but it took me 20 years of cooking pasa to get to this point


(No I didnt memorize the minutes yet)

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lawngnome's picture

What's bad is, it's only like 3 simple steps...  We have a long way to go as a species.

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Mori's picture

Who's this 'we'? I can get my wife to cook pasta like a pro, no instructions necessary whatsoever!

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