Spoilt Rotten (Parenting Documentary)

TheWeirdo's picture

Spoilt Rotten (Parenting Documentary) - Real Stories

Multiple scenes of kids getting their teeth ripped out by doctors.

And ugly ass moms.

Exept for half of one.

Average: 5 (2 votes)


Pantysoaker's picture
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typical americans

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Isn't free Government medical care great?  Why do parents need to give a shit about their children's health when it costs them nothing if it goes to shit?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

What has one thing to do with the other? Also health care is mandatory but not "free". 

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ninjzz3.0's picture
Image result for White people meme
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daftcunt's picture
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Bildergebnis für fat black kid

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username's picture

the parents are feckless and can't say "no" to their own children.  They're overweight, sugar-addicted, chainsmoking white trash themselves....is anyone surprised the kids are too?

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theblackswordsman's picture
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This is why emotional strength is a primary aspect of evolution.


If you are weak, then your children WHO DON'T KNOW BETTER will run the house and end up like this.

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daftcunt's picture
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Many a time when I tell parents that the kids should not play erratically with the dog as this I am confronted with a face of helplessness and quite a few ask me "But how do I do this?"
Well, they have to manage their kids, give them rules and enforce them. Now how do you expect a parent that cannot impose rules with a person to an animal you cannot "reason" with?

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