During an argument over the poster, witnesses say Sergeant at Arms Anne Lieberman called all Muslims terrorists. She resigned Friday night. The poster is below. The display was outside the House of Delegates chamber as part of a “Republicans Take the Rotunda” event.
Anne "all Muslims are terrorists" Leiberman:
Omar Ilhan's response on Twitter:
No wonder why I am on the “Hitlist” of a domestic terrorist and “Assassinate Ilhan Omar” is written on my local gas stations. Look no further, the GOP's anti-Muslim display likening me to a terrorist rocks in state capitols and no one is condemning them! https://t.co/0ouCaloWqh
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) March 1, 2019
(3 votes)
(Old Spike)
Where's the racist poster?
(Short Spike)
(Old Spike)
No, it isn't that made up fake as fuck term either.
phobia - is an excessive and irrational fear reaction. The fear of Islam taking power is completely rational.
Regarding anti-Semitism, yes, I use that "card" because it is an accurate description. Pedo-worshippers like yourself hate Jews. You pretend you don't by claiming that you are just "against Israel".
Also, Israel has not committed war crimes. So suck it.
P.S. - Please don't waste your time citing the UN in your response. The UN is a fucking joke.
(Old Spike)
> International law doesn't exist
> Israel hasn't commited war crimes
Pick one
(Old Spike)
International Law is bullshit in the way you talk about it.
International law - a body of rules established by custom or treaty and recognized by nations as binding in their relations with one another.
Israel isn't dealing with another nation when it defends it's borders. It's dealing with a terrorist group.
Israel has not committed war crimes.
(Old Spike)
You're not the authority on what constitutes war crimes though. There are people who are and they have established that Israel has committed war crimes.
George E. Bisharat, professor of law: 'Israel Is Committing War Crimes' [source]
Richard Falk, professor emeritus of international law: 'Israel’s War Crimes' [source]
Francis A. Boyle, professor of International Law: 'Israel Is Committing Genocide' [source]
There's no rule against killing terries, there's rules against sniping medics, press & children though - all of which Israel hs done in abundance in the past 12 months. Whether you believe in the UN or not is inconsequential - Israel is a member & signatory of the UN Charter.
(Old Spike)
This is allegedly the poster, only thing I could find
(Old Spike)
I know that's the poster being used by virtue signaling politicans to tell everyone "Hey look at me, aren't I a good person for pretending Islam isn't a fucked up death cult!!!" But the title of the submission said there was a "Racist" poster shown. So where is it?
(Old Spike)
definition of ethnicity:
the fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition.
definition of race:
A race is a grouping of humans based on shared physical or social qualities into categories generally viewed as distinct by society.
This would suggest that Muslims, especially ones born into countries like Somalia where 99.8% of the population are Muslim, belong to an ethnic group & could be defined as a race, seeing as race is a rather fuzzy term. Depicting Omar in the poster as a terrorist because she was born into a certain society can therefore be termed as racism. It's not an attack/criticism of Islam, it's a broad statement about Muslims, one that targets a Somalian public servant for something she was born into....if it walks like a duck...
Plus 'racism' is a more title-friendly word than 'Islamophobic' or 'bigoted' (and I figured it'd drag you out of the woodwork).
(Old Spike)
Plus 'racism' is a more title-friendly word
I don't care, it's still a lie.
(Old Spike)
The poster is targetting a specific ethnic category & implying they're all terrorists. What would you call it?
(Old Spike)
I understand why the discussion is tempting, islamophobic, xenophobic, antimuslim, retarded or moronic are somwhat lacking in verbal power to sufficiently describe this poster after all, that is why the right wingers carefully check the definitions of race and ethnicity.
The jews have a word that makes a very strong point, to an extent that many suffer "antisemitophobia", so they don't need to pull the "race card" (although many jews actually argue that "jew" is a race). The muslims and other religions don't.
I take a simple approach to this: If I can join it's an ethnic group, if I can't it is a race.
Like I tried to hint before this poster takes it even further than simple "racism" as it is not a general caricature or meme but directly aimed at a person accusing the individual depicted of being an islamistic terrorist that would happily kill as many "infidels" as possible if she only had the chance.
This would classify as personal insult and hate speech, depending on the audience it is directed to maybe even as a call to violence or murder.
(Old Spike)
LOL "free speech"? Really?
Free speech ends where personal insults start. This poster is not racist, it is a personal insult.
Of course the alt right will go and say "aaaah, no, that's just a funny meme, get a senses of humour!", right?
Also why are all so fat?
(Old Spike)
it's still protected free speech, just completely inapproriate for government officials, that's why she lost her job.
(Old Spike)
"Free speech ends where personal insults start."
If that were true, then leftists could be thrown in jail for insulting Trump. Now you wouldn't like that one little bit, would you.
"This poster is not racist,"
"Of course alt-right the will go and say "aaaah, no, that's just a funny meme, get a senses of humour!", right?
Of course anyone who isn't a fucking leftist child will go and say "aaaah, no, that's just a funny meme, get a senses of humour!"
Fixed it for you.
(Short Spike)
(Old Spike)
Ninjzz3.0 where are you from?
(Short Spike)
(Old Spike)
I'm just curious. You seem to have your head so far up Mohammad's ass it's a wonder you can see to type. Were you simply indoctrinated with the mental retardation of Islam as a child? Or were you so retarded as an adult that you willingly chose to believe the abhorrent nonsense that is Islam?
(Old Spike)
The problem you have is that for you everybody politically even slightly left of the failure the americans voted into the white house is automatically a "leftist".
In contrary to you I don't believe much in tasteless insulting propaganda the far left produces, you otoh love very much the equally appauling (at least to people wth common sense) far right memes, don't you.
EDIT: Although I don't see myself as a "leftist child" would you still care to explain to me what exactly is funny about this "meme"?
(Old Spike)
what exactly is funny about this "meme"?
Because of what it implies. 9/11 was a direct result of fundamentalist Islamic beliefs. Ilhan Omar is a proponent of fundamentalist Islam, which is proven by her hatred of Jews.
In addition to that, the fact that the meme takes the piss out of a Muslim means that it is going to make the intersectional left shit bricks. That is always funny.
(Old Spike)
"her hatred of jews" do you have any proof for that or is it her criticising israel. You also titled me jew hater in the past, although I was simply criticising israel.