Soooo, where's the part where you spin this as somehow racist?
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
black cop, white woman, i want to say the ball is in your court when it comes to making it somehow racist.
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Woodsman (Old Spike)
From talking to the people I know in law enforcement, the personality fit of officers hired recently vs 25 years ago is staggering. It sounds like H.R. departments have meddled in the hiring process and they are looking for experience and traits that do not create good law enforcement officers. For examble hiring panicky people without confidence in their abilities to "level the playing field" because its not fair to only hire people with a calm demeanor and athletic build. Maybe its just here, I'd be interested to hear thoughts.
(Old Spike)
Soooo, where's the part where you spin this as somehow racist?
(Old Spike)
black cop, white woman, i want to say the ball is in your court when it comes to making it somehow racist.
(Old Spike)
From talking to the people I know in law enforcement, the personality fit of officers hired recently vs 25 years ago is staggering. It sounds like H.R. departments have meddled in the hiring process and they are looking for experience and traits that do not create good law enforcement officers. For examble hiring panicky people without confidence in their abilities to "level the playing field" because its not fair to only hire people with a calm demeanor and athletic build. Maybe its just here, I'd be interested to hear thoughts.