Sal you posted the video of Joe's interview with David Fraver. I know you know that something is out of whack here. What are you thoughts today as opposed to 9 years ago?
(3 votes)
Sal you posted the video of Joe's interview with David Fraver. I know you know that something is out of whack here. What are you thoughts today as opposed to 9 years ago?
(Old Spike)
ufos exist, i can't attest to the accuracy of the radar or infrared, i don't know how its programmed, i'm guessing its probably made to be false positive cause its probably safer to be able to track a ufo thats actually a malfuction in the software.
i'm sure people have seen ufos, i'd say they're probably, mostly if not all, man made. how sciency do you want to go into it?
(Old Spike)
I agree. And I believe that most if not all of them are man-made. That is if they are anything at all. But the probability that they are something real and that they are man-made is decently high at this point. and that opens The floodgate for a whole bunch of other questions. if we have these things and they operate like that and their man-made then the probability that we have at some point in the past been visited by off-worlders is also pretty good.
(Old Spike)
i'm sure we have plans for stuff that are technically and physically sound but we lack the resources. i'm sure we have some proof of concepts. it makes sense to me to test them where navy and airforce can see them so if there is an issue, it can be recovered. but as for beings visiting us, i just don't see it. space is vast and the time that came before ours was more chaotic. i think its more probable that were the first space monkeys to wear pants
this is stuff i was looking up yesterday. galactic/circumstellar habitable zone,
below pic is the galactic habital zone, which is on the same plane as the above pic, anything not in the green or to close to that xray or gammaray is either dangerous to life or it doesnt have the material for life as we know it.
the stars in the habital zone range from 4 - 8 billion years old and 75% of them are older than our sun, which is 4.6 billion years old. the universe is 13.8 billion and our galaxy is 13.5. thats alot of time for stars to be born and die. but earlier stars were much bigger, more of them which means supernovas shredding nearby solar systems. we also happen to be between arms of the galaxy. its a nice place to develop, but as an advance galactic species, thats far out there where theres nothing around. no other resources. everything that can be found here, could easily be found in the arm and more abundently
(Old Spike)
I think the population of sentient beings in our galaxy who have escaped their own self-destruction is extremely small. But, and this is a big but, I also do not believe that the technology to travel between stars is as unattainable as we have been led to believe. And we have been led to believe this both I think via deliberate programming and because the universe has been such a mystery to us until recently. I think even though the population of spacefaring species in our galaxy or let's narrow it to say within a 5,000 light years range is extremely small I think, and I understand this isnt proven at all, that the fact that there's a population at all and that the technology to travel between Stars is not a barrier in the way we have imagined almost guarantees that we have been visited. And I would give a good probability that we have been within the past 100 years.
I began to take this phenomenon seriously when I read the numerous testimonies of professional military and commercial pilots. I then started consuming the work of Richard Dolan who has a historian has done a pretty decent job of cataloging claims of events but more importantly how the US government has responded over the many decades that the phenomenon has been in play. The possibility of an ancient breakaway civilization is on the table for me. In other words not aliens but ancient humans that developed this technology and then took off or hit themselves from us. But that's pretty far out there. I can't decide which is more unlikely. A breakaway civilization or relatively frequent visitation by aliens over the centuries. Or of course some other explanation that is not on my radar. But in any case what's happened over the past few years I think is the culmination of a bunch of very sane and very confident individuals in the military and in other walks of life who have observe this phenomenon and been threatened or dismissed and have become so sick and tired of it that a semi-mutiny in the US Navy has brought the fact that the phenomenon is real out into the open. It just so happens that the sentiments of the Navy personnel who kind of rebelled against a certain strain of authority had the support of several powerful politicians. Beyond that I can't say much more, except to say that I think it's a subject that's worth continuing to carefully watch and is a good subject for conversation.
(Old Spike)
i got issues with traveling in space. we and anything biological are meatbags, we can only travel(accelerate) so fast. the fastest anyone has traveled in space was looping around the moon getting up to 40K km/h. they pulled just under 6.8g's. travelling that fast towards the neerest sun, and if you nailed it spot on, you get there just under 2000 years. that kind of distance, any issues with navigation and you're fucked. also space isn't a vacuum, you got dust and gases which means friction. blasting thru gas going 40km/h is alarming. the faster you go, the more dangerous it is.
nothing came before us here went to the stars. we have found stone artifacts millions of years old, fossils billions of years old. shell beads from over hundred thousand years ago. if something came before and left we would have found an ancient ipad or something on the face of the moon.
also. this has been on my mind for a while. i think the adama maneuver would have killed everyone on the ground. the galactica is over a kilometer long and its falling fast enough to heat the air around it that it catches fire like a reentry capsule well over 3000 degrees. when galactica jumps away it doesnt take the surrounding area with it. so it would be a downburst of super heat air slamming into the ground along with a sonic boom.
(Old Spike)
Joe Rogan is like Gwyneth Paltrow for men. goop it up bois!