CNN Doctor needs study explained by Comedian

skeptoid's picture

Joe Rogan SCHOOLS Sanjay Gupta About Natural Immunity

This is what "Hegelian Science" looks like. This is what Daft Cunt means when he says "science". Remember this always when he's going on about science. He means co-opting the authority of science to further social engineering projects. I honestly don't know if Gupta is consciously aware of what he's participating in. The "theologians" of Hegel and Wokeism only need useful idiots - usually a lack of competence, especially in the form of Dunning-Kruger, helps - to further the social project. They are disgusted by people like Gupta, and will gleefully turn on them the moment their usefulness ceases.

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GKhan's picture

I think the problem here is that the the vaccine helps but if we start to let people cherry pick reasons not to get it then it's whole purpose will fall apart. I agree that vaccinees need to be evaluated and the effects on the young needs to be studied and decisions made whether to admister or not and then determine best next steps. But what Rogan is doing by creating uncertainty in vaccinees and with the size of his following is abusive.

Besides, the heart inflammation issue is 100% treatable.

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

What purpose falls apart? 

It's meant to save the lives who those are at serious risk and those aren't kids.

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GKhan's picture

yes, via widespread innoculation via preventitive measures.

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

If the innoculated are also spreading the virus, I don't see how we are doing that.



We can do it by giving it to those who are at risk.    

Are we following the science or are we following the media? Gotta keep in mind they aren't the same thing.

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GKhan's picture

It's part of the process that will eventually lead to reduction of the virus' ability to propagate. The science is to continue to refine the solution. If the virus mutates then new versions of the vaccinees are needed. Like we have done countless times in the past. And the process works because of high efficacy and high rates of vaccination.


If not, then please explain what the path forward is.


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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

"It's part of the process that will eventually lead to reduction of the virus' ability to propagate"


Well that is what the media keeps telling us. But what we are seeing is that it still propagates even with mass vaccinations. Many experts at this point are saying it's here to stay and we just have to learn to live with it. 


"If the virus mutates then new versions of the vaccinees are needed. Like we have done countless times in the past. And the process works because of high efficacy and high rates of vaccination."


We have never been in a situation like this before. Vaccinating in the middle of a worldwide pandemic with less than perfect vaccines. Might have been different if we had the vaccine earlier, before Delta.


"if not, then please explain what the path forward is"


I don't know and I doubt anyone has a definitive answer to that. 

The vaccines at this point don't seem to be the end-all solution. It's part of if, but if it's not stopping the spread effectively it's not going to stop the pandemic. As I said, it's good for the people who are at high risk.

How many booster shots would it take until it starts to seem ridiculous to you?  5? 10? 20? 


For starters the media should start pushing how important it is to take care of your health as a preventive measure. For some reason nobody is talking about this?  Same applies to any disease out there. Hell, just taking vitamin D and C regularly in the winter months makes a big difference.  

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GKhan's picture

I am not getting my information from the 'media'. Please stop assuming that. It is a fact and proven emperically that vaccinnees work using the model as I described. 


The challenge is when you say you don't know and no one has a definitive answer. That is the whole point. Indecision is a decision so can we do better?


If you say only vaccinate those at risk then the virus will run through the population infect huge portions, kill many, people will stop going out to reduce propogation and eventually it will run it's course. To the best of our historic knowledge, this is what happened with Influenza, that killed 50million. C19 does seem to have a lot less death rate.


You can always find the one thing wrong with any strategy and shoot it down. This is a popular false tactic to disprove something. That is why we need to pick a best strategy and support it. Will it be perfect. No. Will we make mistakes, yes. Can we improve it, yes.


With that said, I do agree that if a vaccine is causing many problems then it's may not be a good choice. And governments are actively reviewing vaccines, the negative effects on different demographics and their effectiveness. Canada has even ditched AstraZeneca and I beleive the USA never allowed it due to concerns with the blood clot issue. So even though the countries are promoting the vaccine strategy, they are actively being critical to the results.


I also agree if the vaccine is not effective, then yeah, let's not mass inject that one. The rNA ones do seem to be effective, though may need to be tweaked for Delta.


How many more doses? Well for the seasonal flu it is every year. As far as I can tell for C19, the world is trying to figure this one out. Can we stop it with a double vaccine dose? That was the hope. If it mutates countless times and we just seem to be chasing the tail of the virus and our only solution is to keep revaccinating people? Well, given we know that it is not killing that many and hopefully the long covid aren't huge numbers then I won't be surprised if we lose interest in continually vaccinating.


But we are still in the early phases. We can try a little longer.




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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Well I more or less agree.  


My biggest gripe really is how the vaccine is marketed to people. Everyone get it and it will be over. Thats the incentive or the incentive might be "Take it or you're fired". As with the preliminary studies I posted above and how it seems to be going in places with high vaccination levels like Israel it's not looking that promising. Time will tell.


Big pharma wanting to sell as much drugs as possible is always an issue and we don't really know what their influence is on this. One thing is for sure. When theres billions up for grabs, shady shit usually starts to happen. 


Then there are the possibilities that with mass vaccinations (with less than perfect vaccines that allow the virus to survive) we could be inadvertently creating an environment that's a good breeding ground for new variants.


This is one of the reasons some are advocating the use of the vaccine for the risk groups only, as a healthy indivitual will in most cases pull through it like it was the flu.

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skeptoid's picture

It's difficult for me to accept that there are even people who exist that can do these kind of mental gymnastics. What are you talking about? None of what you said makes any sense.

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