Again, Duckling I don't understand why you don't post these Dore videos. They are waaaaaaaay better than CNN coverage of this shit and of course there's more credibility. Eh why no Dore?
(8 votes)
Again, Duckling I don't understand why you don't post these Dore videos. They are waaaaaaaay better than CNN coverage of this shit and of course there's more credibility. Eh why no Dore?
(Long Spike)
While working carpentry and maintenance at a State Park here in California, I'd occasionally get a truck filled with 12+ prisoners and their supervising guard for a day during their downtime.
They volunteer for the work release programs to get a bit of pay, good behavior and honestly just to keep busy and be out of a cell.
Usually, they camp out in BLM land and those dudes WORK FUCKING HARD.
I'd slip them cigs and they'd work that much harder!
(Old Spike)
I wonder if the people who downrated this video are the racists BabyDuckling has been trying to warn us about?