Don't Work Hard in Prison

skeptoid's picture

LA Sheriff Wants "Good Ones" For Prison Labor

Again, Duckling I don't understand why you don't post these Dore videos. They are waaaaaaaay better than CNN coverage of this shit and of course there's more credibility. Eh why no Dore? 

Average: 2.8 (8 votes)


lawngnome's picture

While working carpentry and maintenance at a State Park here in California, I'd occasionally get a truck filled with 12+ prisoners and their supervising guard for a day during their downtime. 

They volunteer for the work release programs to get a bit of pay, good behavior and honestly just to keep busy and be out of a cell.

Usually, they camp out in BLM land and those dudes WORK FUCKING HARD.  

I'd slip them cigs and they'd work that much harder!

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skeptoid's picture

I wonder if the people who downrated this video are the racists BabyDuckling has been trying to warn us about?

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