that totally going to get infected. it would have been pretty funny to take both feet
this guy wasn't as lucky
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GKhan (Old Spike)
Why drop on a guy with one foot? Injured he's more of a burden on resources and it seems unecessarily cruel to injure him further or chance him down.
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n0val33t (Old Spike)
we do the same.... from the air everything is dispatched with extreme prejudice.... In Iraq/Afganistan the bullets stop when the receiving body stops. If this was boots on the ground, it would medivac. Agree with you, unlike in the middle east, here people become a burden and make you think twice about sending your kid into a meat grinder.
He was likely fubar though, so maybe a mercy?! I don't like it ......
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
this is different. for context. ukrainians that lose limbs, get prosthetics and then go back to continue fighting
the chances of a russian with one foot getting sent back the front lines isn't 0. so if you have 1 grenade left and no other soldiers around, you finish him off
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n0val33t (Old Spike)
In Russia you get a slab of wood and some nails........ no go find some wheels.....fucking hell!. You get nothing....
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
why? for the lols. the operator could tell his buddies he made someone shorter and if they ask by how much, he'll say about a foot. the joke doesn't work if he's got both
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n0val33t (Old Spike)
c'mon m8
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
if i was operating those drones, i would totally be charged as a war criminal. i'd be taunting them thru a speaker. "GIVE ME YOUR FEET!, I DEMAND YOUR FEET!"
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n0val33t (Old Spike)
hehehehehehehehehehhe hehehehehehehe got this mental image......."Get on your feat soilder" Sal with a stick! "you got stumps dont you..... fall in line and march! Imagines your Brave Heart speach..... all about smelling feet you sick pupp! :p
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
i see support groups for russian amputees so they can tell stories about the bakhmut toe clipper, the finger bandit of kherson. amputees making eye contact with other amputees and without any words being said, they both know what happened
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n0val33t (Old Spike)
"the bakhmut toe clipper, the finger bandit of kherson" people get paid for jokes like that.... ohhh my tummy hurts!
(Old Spike)
Why drop on a guy with one foot? Injured he's more of a burden on resources and it seems unecessarily cruel to injure him further or chance him down.
(Old Spike)
we do the same.... from the air everything is dispatched with extreme prejudice.... In Iraq/Afganistan the bullets stop when the receiving body stops. If this was boots on the ground, it would medivac. Agree with you, unlike in the middle east, here people become a burden and make you think twice about sending your kid into a meat grinder.
He was likely fubar though, so maybe a mercy?! I don't like it ......
(Old Spike)
this is different. for context. ukrainians that lose limbs, get prosthetics and then go back to continue fighting
the chances of a russian with one foot getting sent back the front lines isn't 0. so if you have 1 grenade left and no other soldiers around, you finish him off
(Old Spike)
In Russia you get a slab of wood and some nails........ no go find some wheels.....fucking hell!. You get nothing....
(Old Spike)
why? for the lols. the operator could tell his buddies he made someone shorter and if they ask by how much, he'll say about a foot. the joke doesn't work if he's got both
(Old Spike)
c'mon m8
(Old Spike)
if i was operating those drones, i would totally be charged as a war criminal. i'd be taunting them thru a speaker. "GIVE ME YOUR FEET!, I DEMAND YOUR FEET!"
(Old Spike)
hehehehehehehehehehhe hehehehehehehe got this mental image......."Get on your feat soilder" Sal with a stick! "you got stumps dont you..... fall in line and march! Imagines your Brave Heart speach..... all about smelling feet you sick pupp! :p
(Old Spike)
i see support groups for russian amputees so they can tell stories about the bakhmut toe clipper, the finger bandit of kherson. amputees making eye contact with other amputees and without any words being said, they both know what happened
(Old Spike)
"the bakhmut toe clipper, the finger bandit of kherson" people get paid for jokes like that.... ohhh my tummy hurts!