Realy? :) ...Russia has turned away from relations with the west? lol
Is it not the other way around? you can be such a moron sometimes.
That is like someone getting fired, and him yelling ''no i quit'' just to get the last word.
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danman (Site Administrator)
or like boycotting one of your key suppliers & they go sell their goods to the competition while you're left paying 40% more for the same products, buying from the guy who led the boycott?
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Dude (Old Spike)
never happened or are you talking about gas? gas price just went down 35 percent, everyone wants to sell, competition makes it cheap.
(Old Spike)
Realy? :) ...Russia has turned away from relations with the west? lol
Is it not the other way around? you can be such a moron sometimes.
That is like someone getting fired, and him yelling ''no i quit'' just to get the last word.
(Site Administrator)
or like boycotting one of your key suppliers & they go sell their goods to the competition while you're left paying 40% more for the same products, buying from the guy who led the boycott?
(Old Spike)
never happened or are you talking about gas? gas price just went down 35 percent, everyone wants to sell, competition makes it cheap.