"...passionately hate him."


Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

And ppl believed him, talk about pulling the wool over their eyes

And that guy is a sellout he advocated the right for years, now it turns out he may be a democrat.

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jdt73's picture


so full of shit.

is this journalism?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

lol, why don't you indulge us and do tell what exactly is incorrect in this report?

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subroutine's picture
front page

just ignore the sock

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jdt73's picture

Why are you calling me a sock?

Be a man and front up with what ever you think you know, otherwise if its just a name calling exercise I got one for you...

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

man, i remember tellnig you that this site should have a tier system. another time i called you a third rate user. another time i was telling daft that your someone we only hear from when someone else is butthurt. if pinocchio had an account here, he'd be more real than you

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jdt73's picture

So Subrooting has nothing and sally-boy interjects with what is essentially "i don't like you and I think that im much better than you becos"

Man, I don't remember telling you a damn thing because I have a life much bigger than the internet and you aren't even slightly worth remembering.

I hate to break it to you Sally-boy you have come up with nothing, just like Subrooting and have laughably spent more time and effort to do so.

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ben99g's picture

Propaganda. The right has Fox News and the left has CNN, MSNBC and probably everyone for that matter.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras





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jdt73's picture

Subrooting, is that you ?

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subroutine's picture
front page

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jdt73's picture

American Network News is a complete fucking joke.

Its all propaganda on both sides and ad hominem attacks are considered legitimate reasoning.

You poor twisted fuckers loose your shit over Tucker Carlson because he bucks the collective mind of MSM.

I guess this has NOTHING to do with J6 footage right?


I am in awe of how such a great country (USA) has become the joke of the world run into the ground by greed and incompetence.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

lol, why don't you indulge us and do tell what exactly is incorrect in this report?

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jdt73's picture

lol, you are just about the last person I would 'indulge' anything.


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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

again, lol, as expected you have nothing. You are a pathetic little loser, no change there, hun.

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jdt73's picture

lol, expected that you would get all pissy and throw in some name calling.

How long have you been president of the Man Dog Love Association?

What is it about fucking dogs for you?

I think you have a tiny cock and the dogs anus makes you feel all big and powerful.



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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

complains about ad hominem attacks...... resorts to insults..... as expected.


Again you prove me right, you have nothing of value to say and are a pathetic little loser.

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