I forgot to add the KKK hasn't killed a nigger since 1982, but the niggers have killed countless white people since then.
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Dude (Old Spike)
So white ppl don't kill black ppl? GTFO
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vinzent (Old Spike)
So you agree that niggers and jews should stop bringing up the KKK so much?
We could instead talk about modern crime statistics. Those don't look too good for the niggers either though. Maybe they should go back to killing each other in Africa and leave that white murder for other whites, at a much lower rate of course.
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Dude (Old Spike)
Psychos and serial killers and school shooters are white :)
Post a link to the statistics, preferably a government website.
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vinzent (Old Spike)
Crimes that require higher intelligence and planning do lean White, that's true.
Here is a link to FBI homicide statistics. If you don't understand what "per-capita" means then you need to look it up before viewing statistics.
(Old Spike)
So white ppl don't kill black ppl? GTFO
(Old Spike)
So you agree that niggers and jews should stop bringing up the KKK so much?
We could instead talk about modern crime statistics. Those don't look too good for the niggers either though. Maybe they should go back to killing each other in Africa and leave that white murder for other whites, at a much lower rate of course.
(Old Spike)
Psychos and serial killers and school shooters are white :)
Post a link to the statistics, preferably a government website.
(Old Spike)
Crimes that require higher intelligence and planning do lean White, that's true.
Here is a link to FBI homicide statistics. If you don't understand what "per-capita" means then you need to look it up before viewing statistics.
Spoiler alert. Niggers commit homicide at a much much higher rate than Whites.
(Old Spike)
You said "leave that white murder for other whites"
i see no victim statistics