I was messing around with AI song creation again and got inspired by the poem Boots by Rudyard Kipling. I wanted it to have a more worldly vibe, so I changed some of the lyrics to different languages and worked with the music prompts to make it feel like a Soviet-era propaganda song. Honestly, I’m fucking in love with how it turned out, and I wanted to share it with you. I even threw in some Pink Floyd The Wall hammers in the background to fit the theme. I hope you all enjoy this semi-Spiked original!
(3 votes)
(Old Spike)
Thumbs up for the song.
Thumbs up for Rudyard Kipling.
Thumbs up for Pink Floyd.
Thumbs up for The Wall animations.
Thumbs down for that gay Jew Bob Geldof.
No Jews next time.
(Short Spike)
I'll be sure to consult the spiked nation manual regarding Jews for the next upload
(Old Spike)
That's much appreciated but we really on have a few simple rules to follow.
No niggers
No jews
No faggots
It can be hard for some to resist those temptations but I assure you that your soul will benefit by abstaining from those vices.
(Site Moderator)
Yeah, IIRC fortylicks is a black guy.
Used to contribute a lot to the site. Did a spiked podcast at one time and posted some raps of his own.
(Old Spike)
(Short Spike)
Hey man, Great memory but you have me slightly confused with Anthos who used to do the podcast with me and bannik from time to time. He was and from what i can tell still is a talented artist producing beats and enjoying life. We played Battlefront 2 on xbox a few years back. I was the founder of the short lived Spiked Nation weekly podcast and have produced numerous spiked originals over the years but Anthos is definitely the rapper. I am a Jew though so i mean if your trying to find a reason to hate me you can take that. Cheers!!
(Old Spike)
The jews always like to promote other jews. I get it. I hope you live in Israel with your people. I wish my people could have a homeland like the jews get to have. One day we will.
(Short Spike)
I wish other Jews gave a shit about me.....
(Old Spike)
They do. The Jews have the highest in group preference of all the races.
(Short Spike)
Maybe it's because my dad is Puerto Rican?
(Old Spike)
Doesn't that put you in a similar situation to Bruno Mars? They seem to like him.
(Short Spike)
No Niggers, No Jews, No Faggots
(Old Spike)
Holy crap Fortylicks. That was one of the funniest things I've ever heard. I love it. You have gone above and beyond any possible expectations. I couldn't stop laughing and smiling. I even like Jews a little more now. Lol.
If you can get that on YouTube with some visuals then post it on Spiked that would be amazing. This has to be the official Spiked Nation theme song.
(Old Spike)
Double post but might as well use it to praise the song some more. It's such a rich song and it takes you on a journey so I feel like making a great video would be difficult but maybe you can think of something that fits. Maybe a montage for each group or something. Anyway, thank you.
(Short Spike)
Perhaps, we shall see. Glad you enjoyed it.
(Short Spike)
I did have that exact idea but I thought it would take a while for me to get that all together and I wanted to just share the song as soon as it was finished lol. Ill see if I can put something together, I might need to post it on my alt YouTube as it might be banned or a strike against my account. I promise we will come back to this.
(Old Spike)
Yeah man. Sounds good. What's your YouTube channel?
(Old Spike)
Yeah man. Sounds good. What's your YouTube channel?
(Short Spike)
(Old Spike)
Now I like Jews less again. Lol.
(Site Moderator)
Ah yeah it was Anthos. Wonder if those podcasts are still up somewhere.
(Short Spike)
I still have some up on Youtube. Just search spiked nation weekly podcast
(Site Moderator)
Found em. Forgot about this blacksmith guy
(Old Spike)
The white man has been trained by the Jews to believe that white men are "nerdy bitches". While that may be true about the lefty fags on Spiked, I assure you that is not what white culture is like as a whole.
(Site Moderator)
Just an example how culture plays a big role.
A white man that's grown up in a mainly black area thinks white people up north are creepy.
Found his channel and still seems to be active.
Really a stand up guy. Used to post a lot here but hasn't been around for years.
(Old Spike)
Yeah I remember him. He does seem like a good guy but that doesn't mean he wasn't brain washed into hating his own people. Or at least looking down on them. That's the norm.
Remember Weird Al's White and Nerdy? Remember the Offspring's Pretty Fly for a White Guy? Have you seen Jim Carey's parody of Snow's Informer or him making fun of Vanilla Ice?
The Jews spent a lot of money programming the last few generations and it has worked on most, but not all.
(Site Moderator)
Yeah I remember all those. It's a bit of fun, self parody. Lighten up.
It must be mentally exhausting being constantly burdened by these ideas of niggers and jews ruling the world.
Take some time off and do something else for a while. I promise you'll feel a lot better.
I'll be heading out with my dog for a hike in the forest. Cook up some sausages by a bon fire. It's a crispy -15C / 5F outside.
(Old Spike)
I'm not stressed. I like those songs but if you put the entirety of the jewish machines output together and look at it you can see a trend toward making whites look foolish and evil, which is the opposite of the truth. Whites are the best people but we don't get a lot of propaganda about that, even in white countries, which is pretty odd don't you think?
The only time we can be seen as heroes is when we are fighting Nazis or Racists, and now we are still blamed for the fake holocaust even though we were supposedly the ones who liberated the poor jews from that fate and we're blamed for slavery even though we are the ones who liberated the niggers from that too. How many movies are there about WWII from the jew perspective and how many from the other side? Ever seen a movie about the Nakba? How about a pro slavery movie, or one about good slave owners of which 99% of them were? How about movies about niggers catching niggers to sell into slavery. Ever seen a movie about that? Apocalypto is close and was made by notorious anti-Semite Mel Gibson right after the antiemetic film The Passion of the Christ. Look at what the jews did to Mel after those movies came out.
In a similar way that you think "white supremacists" are evil, I think jews are evil. Is hating white supremacists keeping you up at night? The big difference is I have lots of evidence to back up my beliefs and you have jewish propaganda backing up yours. You are in the majority for now since the jews control almost all western media and have four about 100 years now, but the truth is coming out and the switch will be quick when it happens.
(Site Moderator)
Cool cool.
I can post some pics of the hiking trip. My Corgi loves it out in the woods.
(Old Spike)
That sounds lovely. I can't wait to see them. I should do the same with my old Eskie, but he might not make it far.
(Site Moderator)
Brutal hike. All the trails were snowed in. Not a lot but just enough crusty snow that it was a real work out.
Forgot to take any any photos but heres some earlier ones. My kids are all grown up so this is my baby now
(Old Spike)
Nice. Corgi's are awesome. I've never seen one with a pattern like that before. Is he a mix or something?