MMA Fighters try Women's Self-Defense techniques


theblackswordsman's picture
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The frontal choke defense works. You have to pull down AND OUT slightly, while delivering a KICK to the testicles.


Try with your friends.


With the LACK of nut kicking and eye gouging it makes me wonder if this girl wants to leave her rapist intact for a future meet up.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

There is only a few good defence techniques the most powerfull one is kick right under the knee cap with your full weight and strength on the streched leg (streched leg is the straight leg when someone walks one leg is bent the other is streched, if done right he will go into convultion, the breathing stocks like someone is holding a taser on you for about 3 minutes completely incapacitated, you can try this at home as it leaves no permanent damage, it just hursts harder then getting a full kick in the nuts for about 3 minutes.

it fills your soul with warm pain

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PizzaBoi's picture
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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

you simply cannot learn how to do whatever if you're attacked in a self defence video. this is stuff that must be practised and honed over time to be used with any effectiveness. blind luck and the fucked up state of your attacker is of more help.


if you want to know how to defend yourself go and learn a matrial art at a decent school. competency and confidance will take a year or so which is more than most attackers can handle.

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