Nice to hear Utah being progressive. it's outrageous that it was even a thing that police could (and did) take kids away from their parents because they were playing or walking home by themselves.
People against it say "it puts kids at risk", that's the point! So kids learn to identify risks, avoid them, and deal with anything that happens like a playground injury. this kind of experience helps them grow up into more sensible adults, less likely to get themselves into trouble than kids who've never had to think for themselves because a parent is always hoving around telling them what not to do.
(5 votes)
(Old Spike)
WTF this was a law?
I went to play all over town when i was 6 on my own or with my cousin and friends
Me And my sister stayed home alone when i was 6 and she was 11
In Belgium this law does not exist at all
(Short Spike)
This is great news. Fuck helicopter parents. They're the worst.
(Short Spike)
Progressive Law in the most Conservative state. Well done.
(Old Spike)
How could this be a thing that they need to pass a law for?
(Long Spike)
wow kids were not allowed to go outside alone?
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
Fuxcking hell fullauto, and you are calling european counties "nanny states".
Or is this the onion?
(Old Spike)
Well they can't refuse healthcare...
(Old Spike)
yes they can? they can choose whichever doctor or hospital they like, including private practice, alternative medicine, or no healthcare. if a parent chooses not to take their kid to a hospital and the kid dies then of course they will go to prison - not for their choice, for the negligent manslaughter - but the same thing happens in america too.