Sarah Huckabee Sanders is paid $165,000 a year to lie for Donald Trump. Not bad at all. I'd do it if I didn't have another gig. Getting caught in an obvious lie is a bit ugly but it isn't like starving to death or anything. Get caught in a lie? Do what Sarah does. Refuse to respond to anyone pointing out you lied and just cash your paycheck.
There have been a lot of new things to learn with all of the lying like how to respond to it. Rudy Giuliani's comments like; "“Our recollection keeps changing, or we’re not even asked a question and somebody makes an assumption,” is material that will come in handy eventually. Get caught in a lie? Respond with; "My recollection keeps changing", declare your innocence, change the subject, and move on.
(7 votes)
(Long Spike)
Completely fake news but entertaining:
Over the weekend, the New York Times broke news that President Trump personally dictated a misleading statement attributed to his son, Donald Trump Jr., that presented a misleading narrative about the infamous meeting Trump Jr. and other senior Trump campaign officials had with Russian operatives at Trump Tower.
That statement, released last July, claimed the June 2016 meeting was “primarily” about Russian adoptions — not, as emails Trump Jr. subsequently released revealed was really the case, to obtain political dirt about Hillary Clinton.
On August 1, 2017, Press Secretary Sarah Sanders told the press that Trump “certainly didn’t dictate” his son’s statement.
“He weighed in, offered suggestions — as any father would do,” Sanders said at the time.
On Monday, Sanders was repeatedly asked to clarify the disconnect between her comments last summer and what the Trump legal team now acknowledges — that Trump dictated the letter.
Sanders, however, repeatedly refused to field questions about her own statement.
“You said last August that the president did not dictate the statement about the Trump Tower meeting during the campaign, but the lawyers wrote to the special counsel that the president did dictate the statement,” a reporter said, and then asked, “what’s the reason for that discrepancy?”
“This is from a letter from the outside counsel and I’d direct you to them to answer that question,” Sanders said, before quickly calling upon another reporter.
Later, Sanders was asked if her statement from last August is “still operative.” She again refused to answer, saying, “once again this is a reference back to a letter from the president’s outside counsel, and therefore I can’t answer and I would direct you to them.”
“What was your basis for saying it in August then?” the reporter followed up.
“Once again, I’m not going to get into a back-and-forth, and I would encourage you to reach out to the outside counsel,” she replied.
A third attempt to get Sanders to clarify was made later in the briefing.
“If you’re saying one thing from the podium — that it wasn’t dictated by the president — and his lawyers are saying something entirely different and contradict you, how are we supposed to know who to believe?” the Washington Post’s Josh Dawsey asked. “How can we believe what you’re saying from the podium if his lawyers are saying it’s entirely inaccurate?”
“Once again, I can’t comment on a letter from the letter from the president’s outside counsel, and I’d direct you to them to answer it,” she said.
“But Sarah, the words are literally, you say ‘he did not dictate,’ the lawyers said he did — what is it?” Dawsey followed up.
But Sanders again wouldn’t budge.
“I’m not going to respond to a letter from the president’s outside counsel, we’ve purposely walled off, and I’d refer you to them for comment,” she said.
While Sanders refuses to explain the discrepancy between what she said then and what team Trump acknowledges to be the case now, one of Trump’s outside lawyers, Rudy Giuliani, made a case on Sunday that the flip-flop actually illustrates why Trump shouldn’t sit for an interview with special counsel Robert Mueller.
“Our recollection keeps changing, or we’re not even asked a question and somebody makes an assumption,” Giuliani said during an interview on This Week.
(Old Spike)
Can you please name or describe any laws that you believe have been broken re: that meeting with "Russian operatives"?
(Long Spike)
LOL No laws broken. The president being a pathological liar and telling over 3,000 lies since he became president is perfectly fine. It's all just fun and games.
(Old Spike)
All politicians lie. It's a simple question. Surely with 18 months of wall-to-wall media coverage at your disposal you can name the law that was broken when Trump's campaign team members met with "Russian operatives"?
Manafort was at the meeting with Veselnitskaya but her name is not mentioned in his indictment. This suggests nothing illegal happened at the meeting.
I realise the Republicans used this talking point a few weeks ago but that's not why I ask. I'm genuinely curious because I can't find anything to suggest that a law was broken in that meeting. Manafort is a well-known shill for Ukraine & is being done for breaking several laws but that's because there's a money trail & actual proof of lobbying for a foreign power without declaring it. A simple meeting about dirt on Hillary doesn't seem to be a problem, regardless of who has the dirt. Or should Hillary be tried for the Steele Dossier?