France's Terries

danmanjones's picture

Threat from within: Radicalization hits French prisons, inmates even more radical after release

Liberté is on shakey grounds as more potential terries are monitored every year.





France was a leading advocate in the overthrow of the Libyan government. Since 2011 when Colonel Qadaffi was deposed, radicalisation in North Africa, the Middle East and now Europe has increased.


Why was Qadaffi removed?



Read the email describing the French logic behind Qadaffi's removal



Are we winning the war on terror yet?


Average: 4.3 (3 votes)


phanto's picture

Oh look, a Russian government-controlled entity spreading news that promote political polarization among the Western population. 

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danmanjones's picture

What does Russia have to gain by promoting political polarization within France?

Also, how is this report is doing that?


Maybe RT producers are trying to reinforce that last statement from France's head of counter-terrorism: "We need to do a lot more to ensure that former inmates are properly monitored".

I noticed some fear porn at 1:30 & 3:10 but otherwise found it reasonable.

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phanto's picture

Unless you've been living under a rock you should know that the Kremlin has been actively pulling strings to divide and politically destabilize his Western countries for years in order to increase Russian influence in the world. Among other things through radicalizing social media groups and fake news.


They have interest in polarizing Western populations in as many political issues as possible. Black lives matters, Terrorism, Immigration, Gender inequality, Gender idendity, Fascism, Antifa, Social justice warriors, those are all examples of things they've tried to promote the polarization of people for and against to better divide them (I'm not saying that they created them, only that they work actively to favorize their prominence). 


Such political climates favor the election of weak, unstable and less competent governments. This therefore weakens the Western influence in the world and therefore strengthens Russia's. Because with its own fair share of problems Russia wouldn't be able to compete otherwise.


RT News is controlled by the Kremlin and they're not even trying to hide it. Therefore you have to beware that everything that is shown in their news could have been portrayed in such a way to exaggerate a situation or to simply pass on completely false information. In this instance, this "fear porn" report could have easily been exaggerated to promote anti-immigration and intolerance.


And may I point out that being in English this news is not aimed at a French audience.



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danmanjones's picture

If by living under a rock you mean ignoring American propaganda then yeah, guilty as charged.


Black lives matters - 20+ million from George Soros.

Terrorism - promoted by NATO/GCC/Israel in Libya & Syria. Squashed by Russia in Syria.

Immigration - promoted by Soros with an 18 billion fund & European governments. Russia has helped stem the flow by protecting the Syrian government from being taken over by ISIS. 

Gender inequality - more please, fuck marxism. Real women agree with me.

Gender idendity - See above

Fascism - Nope. US-backed fascists overthrew the Ukrainian leader & Russia countered. See Operation Gladio.

Antifa - lol, in Russia? yeah right.

Social justice warriors - nope. That's a liberal Western idea


Wait, are you talking about the Kremlin or RT?

- just because RT covers civil unrest & is guilty of muckraking at times (especially in the US) it doesn't mean they're responsible for those things happening.


RT News is controlled by the Kremlin and they're not even trying to hide it. 

BBC is controlled by UK government & they''re not even trying to hide it.


you have to beware that everything that is shown in their news

Absolutely. That goes for any broadcaster. Awareness of agenda or bias is extremely important but not every news video is pure BS propaganda.


In this instance, this "fear porn" report could have easily been exaggerated to promote anti-immigration and intolerance.

Yes it could but I don't believev it was. It did not even include the word Muslim or Islam. It mentioned Jihadi once. I asked you to explain how it is doing this but you haven't. IMO it's a good 'heads-up' and the final statement is echoing the words of France's head of counter-terrorism inn saying that they need to do more to monitor ex inmates in order to keep France safe. You could easily argue that this is promoting stability. Especially when you consider that Russia is doing its best to secure business deals in the EU - they can't afford to destabalize partners & they do about 20b in trade with France. Macron just met Putin a week ago to discuss trade.


And may I point out that being in English this news is not aimed at a French audience.

Good point, this kinda moots both of our points, haha. The 'the enemy within' is a pretty hot topic right now, maybe they just wanna build their brand?

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phanto's picture

The point ---->






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danmanjones's picture

Haha, probably. It's really late, like 6:45am. ;p

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blue_devil's picture

Radicals have a mental problem they have been brainwashed into thinking that the purpose of their lives is to kill as many infidels as possible in the name of god and they see themselves as martirs.

You will never solve the problem by throwing them in jai and at the end of their sentence let them loose on the street because they will still be brainwashed. What needs to be done is show them the errors of logic made in their thinking by showing them that their own religion asks them to be good towards others which comes in conflict with killing people so only one can be true. The human mind has a real need to resolve conflicting ideas so using their own holly book to deradicalize them might be a good idea if done by a good psychologist or one of their own nonradical moderate believer.


They need treatment for their brainwashing and this means questioning their beliefs. This will probably not work on every individual but those that start questioning their beliefs will slowly deradicalize themselves and may start to question other brainwashed individuals as well.



They teach all this math and physics and other stuff in schools in the hopes that we will use it some day to better our lives and society but one thing that they don't teach is how to think logically and reasonably about situations aka critical thinking and this critical thinking thing will help us right now but what all this schooling is really just a form of  turning us into obidient workers that have a hard time thinking for ourselves.

They want a strong worker with the mind of a child because he has not used that part of the brain in that way so it remained underdeveloped.

Here learn more math, solve more problems and let it can distract you from even atempting to think for yoursef or learning how to think so in a sense we are all at least in part lacking in our critical thinking skills and this is why we live in the kind of societies we live in.


Mind you it wasn't the evil satanists that took down religion as the religous sheep thought would happent, whatever that satanist word might mean, but it was normal religous or semireligious people that started questioning their own beliefs. 

I mean remember when christians burned people at the stake in the name of god but loved their neighbours as themselves ?

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Ozmen's picture
Beta Tester

Prisons aren't really known for their rehabilitary qualities now are they? Makes sense to monitor former inmates to atleast some extent.

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