America First

danmanjones's picture

U.S. expected to withdraw from the UN Human Rights Council

US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley has accused the 47-member organisation based in Geneva of “chronic anti-Israel bias” since she came into office last year and according to a number of reports, the withdrawal is “imminent,” particularly after UN's recent condemnation of Israel's violence against Palestinians in Gaza.


Never in the 12 years of the council, has a serving member dropped out voluntarily. 


The US has also already said it will withdraw from the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) citing an anti-Israel bias.


US Ambassador to UN, Nikki Haley, walking out of UN General Assembly meeting as Palestinian envoy begins speaking


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acdc51502112's picture

I would pull out of UNESCO too. They keep having massive investigations into human trafficing and rapes.

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eh's picture

More importantly, the new U.S. space force is seeing its first action.

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danmanjones's picture

He said Pompeo was going to organise the space force. Maybe Mike just wants an update on the 2nd coming. I dunno, it's a shame South Park's not on air atm.

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Lambus's picture

I hope that they pull out before they immaculate.

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