This is the best fucking timeline. The media hype up the protestors coming out of the woodwork in the UK and what do we get? A gaggle of degenerate fucks that are cringe inducing yet hilarious at the same time because they truly do not realize how ridiculous they are proving the radical left to be.
(8 votes)
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
compare those people to these
whats the difference?
(Short Spike)
None. They're also a cringe inducing, yet hilarious, bunch of idiots. I think the issue is that they're rallying together and producing local "hot spots" of highly concentrated stupidity.
Sure, you can go out of your way, as a reporter, to find and interview morons on any side of the political spectum. However, these days because the left is losing soo much ground, there is a sense of urgency building up and they feel entitled to a desperate "last stand" resistance.
Hence, the internet has become far more populated by leftist cringe, than rightist cringe. But you must admit watching this, that this will "put off" more people from rallying with the left, than anything else.
It's gotten soo bad that Right-wingers are now often able to use left-wing propogand VERBATUM to thier advantage. Explain that.
(Old Spike)
I wrote degenerate, not retarded. The GOP isn't trying to pass legislation written by the people in your video. Whereas the DNC is doing everything they can to normalize degenerate behavior.
(Old Spike)
your vid shows brits, my vid shows americans with 2nd amendment rights.
GOP is just as crazy as you consider the DNC.
-it hasn't been a month yet and 10 states have passed legislation allowing adoption angencies to refuse the process based on religious beliefs.
-one of the initial the GOP tax bill they tried to pass had wording that would have canceled roe vs wade. changing the rules on abortion.
-immigration bill or attempts at one. some of the wording was shady af. like "detained by ICE indefinitely". the seperating of families.
-trump tariffs
thats a few off the cuff