

lawngnome's picture

PUBG cheater spawned gear to himself.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Now this was hillarious out of several reasons! 


  • First shoot at the cops and then cry for help like a baby!
  • I can see MANY women being fitter for the job than the cop that tried to arrest the old man!
  • Old fuck surely told himself "Thank gawd for my rights to bear arms so I can defend myself against these unconstitutional rogue government plebs!"
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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

he plead guilty to avoide the death penalty. he also has a history, stuff like holding his wife/parents at gunpoint. kinda stuff that makes you wonder how he's allowed to have guns


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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

well, he's white, right?


and how old are his parents? 120?

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Fullauto223cal's picture

I can see MANY women being fitter for the job than the cop that tried to arrest the old man!


Dude, pull your head out of your feminst ass and stop living in a fucking feminist fantasy.  "Fitter" doesn't just mean "thinner".  That "old man" could easily over power even the most fit woman for the simple reason that even the strongest women cannot over power the average man.


In this case, this hypothetical women would have been just a dead assuming she approached this situation as stupidly as these two cops approached it.


For example, they just casually walk up knowing this man just threatened to shoot someone and didn't even take basic precautions againt the risk that he might in fact be armed.


I've was sent to calls where the suspect was reported to potentially be armed.  You think I just walked up and started shooting the shit and then all sassy say "Well you're under arrest!"  FUCK NO!  I'm kept close to cover and gave instructions for the person to keep their hands up until I could frisk them.


I know the part where they are actually shot has been cut out but seriously, it sucks that they died, but they were not very good at their jobs.


I repeat, women should be beat cops.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

"I repeat, women should be beat cops."



I agree.


Lets continue the "discussion" in the other thread, though. You should actually recognise that my comments are not of a "feminist nature" if you just tried a little harder to understand what I actually wrote.....

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RaiThioS's picture
Beta Tester

No comments about his shitty lack of use of his own firearms?

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