WTF is going on with SpikedNation? (See description)

Seing as though the forum is dead I thought this would be a good way to discuss it.
I logged on to the site a few hours ago to see that Critikalmind (who apartly was running the site?) has been asked to step down? ...and stopped the site from being viewd to save his bandwidth which he was aparently paying for? Seriously WTF is going on behind the scenes of SN?
The message when the site went down was very strange and mildly passive agressive, but did make sense. Why is this guy being kicked out of the community if he's bascially paying and running the site? Why would something like this happen without the input of the communtiy? Who actually 'owns' spiked nation?
Answers please!
Hit 5 stars for awareness.
(38 votes)