time off? what's that?
20% (8 votes)
*sniff* well that's me back to bed
13% (5 votes)
feel a little off, maybe i should take a day
15% (6 votes)
can barely get out of bed, don't think i'm working today
30% (12 votes)
*claws way out of piss, puke and shit covered bed* "must go to work" then passes out
23% (9 votes)
Total votes: 40
(Site Administrator)
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(Short Spike)
As a more senior person on the team I'm comfortable taking a day off when I'm sick. Unfortunately I can see others are very much less so. I've seen some plague carriers in the office.
(Short Spike)
I stay home if it calls for a cm of snow in the afternoon. I'm not taking any chances