keep going about your business like nothing's out of place
43% (3 votes)
*sigh* take a seat and kiss your arse goodbye
14% (1 vote)
call family and tell them you love them
29% (2 votes)
duck and cover (because that works)
0% (0 votes)
run, run to your shelter that you've had prepared for this very moment laughing maniacally and shouting "who's the nutcase now?"
14% (1 vote)
other (what would you do?)
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 7
(Site Administrator)
Got a poll question you want to see on spiked? have a shot. contact mods@spikednation.com with “poll question” in the subject line.
(Short Spike)
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(Site Administrator)
if we can get an image that would be of great help to dan. i just made a new poll now.