Russias new nuclear weapons capability

Nakey's picture
is a good thing and should be welcomed
11% (2 votes)
is an ugly necessity
16% (3 votes)
is nothing to worry about
37% (7 votes)
is something to worry about
21% (4 votes)
we're screwed
16% (3 votes)
Total votes: 19


Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

I say it's nothing to worry about. Here is why.


1. These weapons don't even exist, Putin is just trying to amp up the people for the Upcomming Russian election. War toy announcement for votes.


2. If they do exist, they most likely don't work as well as they claim.


3. Could be a ploy to divert allied military spending to counter weapons that don't exist.


4. If he actually has them and uses them, it just won't matter anyway because the world is fucked.

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fozx's picture

All hot air as Russie struggles to be relevant.

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