no hangovers but you pee 3x more than others when you get drunk
23% (3 votes)
your normal typing speed is world record breaking but your handwriting is completely illegible
23% (3 votes)
your cell phone never runs out of power but below 50% battery you go over your call and data caps
0% (0 votes)
to you water tastes like cool aid however it's always a tad too sweet
0% (0 votes)
any wasp that comes with in 1 meter of you dies however wasps are naturally attracted to you and anyone near you
8% (1 vote)
you are completely fireproof yet you are highly flammable
15% (2 votes)
you never stub your toe but always have hangnails (the bit of skin the peals back from the edge of your fingernail)
0% (0 votes)
you can hold your breath for 10 mins while performing normal duties but not underwater.
0% (0 votes)
you are bullet proof up to .22 cal but the pain of being shot is unbearable
0% (0 votes)
you can pick up within 2 mins of entering a bar but they are never the best looking sort
15% (2 votes)
other: tell us about you minor superpower with negative effects
15% (2 votes)
Total votes: 13
(Site Administrator)
Got a poll question you want to see on spiked? work on it. contact mods@spikednation.com with “poll question” in the subject line.
(Long Spike)
I'm smart enough to know how to fix most problems but unable to do so due to seeing everyone else as basically retarded
(Short Spike)
Typeing hands down. Would make my job way easier/efficient, and my handwriting is already completely illegible. No downside there
(Old Spike)
Was going to say that about the .22 caliber proof one, getting shot is already unbearably painful (or so I've heard anyway)