Austin St. John (red ranger)
6% (1 vote)
Walter Emanuel Jones (black ranger)
12% (2 votes)
David Yost (blue ranger)
6% (1 vote)
Thuy Trang (yellow ranger)
12% (2 votes)
Amy Jo Johnson (pink ranger)
18% (3 votes)
Jason David Frank (green/white/black)
18% (3 votes)
Steve Cardenas (red/blue)
0% (0 votes)
Johnny Yong Bosch (black/green)
6% (1 vote)
Karan Ashley (yellow ranger)
0% (0 votes)
Catherine Sutherland (pink ranger)
24% (4 votes)
Total votes: 17
(Site Administrator)
so narrowed it down to the "mighty morphing" series because fuck me they could fill an auditorium if we include everything.
i put this question to one of my managers at work the other day and when she asked me in return i happily ruined her childhood by proudly shouting "pink bits ranger!". then i went back to work and sang "go go pink bits ranger" for half an hour straight, good times.
Got a poll question you want to see on spiked? it's morphing time. contact mods@spikednation.com with “poll question” in the subject line.
(Short Spike)
Blue ranger all the way
(Short Spike)
Used to be red ranger tll he got himself fucking captured.
(Short Spike)
Tommy, green ranger was most awesome, well in my eyes at least, as a boy I always played him.
(Long Spike)
Absolutely Green, my childhood crush! Also completely forgot there was a comment section for polls a long long time ago until I read the NoTrumpNovember post.