Sun, 2018-11-11 20:10 — Nakey yes, yes he will. 48% (13 votes) no i don't think it will happen 11% (3 votes) ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha 41% (11 votes) Total votes: 27
(Site Administrator)
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(Long Spike)
Azn's have zero creativity and are only capable of copying what someone else has already done for a cheaper price so its his only hope.
(Old Spike)
I disagree with that. Most creative chefs I ever met were asian. Best artists. Asian. SOME of the best story tellers. Asian.
I say he will finish his degree IF he enjoys the subject matter enough, and IF he wants it enough.
Go for it Andy!
(Short Spike)
That must be why so many great movies, stories, and anime are ripped off and bastardized in the US