Mon, 2018-06-11 09:27 — Nakey use a condom 84% (21 votes) don't use a condom 16% (4 votes) Total votes: 25
(Site Administrator)
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(Old Spike)
I might have a lightly used one kicking around somwhere.
(Short Spike)
Im neutered as I have 3 so no condom for me. If she gives me aids then it better be tony the tiger great
(Long Spike)
(Old Spike)
Where's the "not applicable" option? Plus I tried to picture what it would be like to meat a person and it's not a pretty picture.
(Short Spike)
If she has the standards that lets her sleep with me, then I'm wearin'
(Old Spike)
The followup poll: It's the morning after. Do you 1) Get tested or 2) Don't get tested or 3) Pray to Jesus
(Site Administrator)
*shrugs* ok.