Sun, 2017-07-16 17:08 — daftcunt TOP 10 BEST GUARD DOGS Video of TOP 10 BEST GUARD DOGS Not reflecting my opinion, just uploading to get fucking points, which is a little ridiculous, really. 4 Average: 4 (7 votes)
(Site Administrator)
I'll have to check with our resident dog expert. Do you agree with this list [@daftcunt]?
(Old Spike)
Some critical thinking right there @Critikal ....
How the hell do you link the name, I don't get the explanation below.
(Old Spike)
...and smileys don't seem to work.
(Site Administrator)
[@daftcunt] You just follow the instructions
(Site Administrator)
Let's see...
[@Nakey] and [@Violetninja420], [@daftcunt] needs our help.
Maybe [@Grothesk] is willing to help out too...
(Old Spike)
I'm too fucking dumb then.....
[angry smiley]
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
I am a fucking genious.
Still no smileys, though, is it because I can't post pics yet (and most probably never will....
(Site Administrator)
(Site Administrator)
what seems to be the problem here [@critikal]?
[@lawngnome909] do you know anything about this?