11 Fees You Should Never Pay At A Car Dealership


stokkebye's picture

Fuck people are dumb as shit! If you allow yourself to be swindled then you only have yourself to blame! I walk in expecting to pay way less then what they are asking for and would not be paying any bullshit fees, plus I'd shop around, a google search taking less than 30 min would give you an idea of what you should be paying. So many people just pay their bills and never look into it or find better deals. Its like they never bothered to grow up and be an adult. How many people look into what their insurance company is tacking on for "fees" or extra coverage you never asked for? Or a cable bill that seems to increse $10 every year? Or paying $100 a month for cellphone service when a $30 plan would do just fine with another company. But those same people would throw a shit fit if an extra $1 can of soup was accidentally rung up or they were charged $0.10 extra for their cup of coffee. Or they'd drive 10 min away becuase another gas station is $0.05 cheaper saving a whole $.50! But yeah, people dont blink an eye when they are asked to pay $5-6000 extra for a vehicle when there are thousands of the same freakin vehicle out there at better prices. 


Years ago I had an exhaust leak on my truck and for shit and giggles I brought it in to 6 different mechanic shop, chain shops and private. Had one chain claim I had a cracked manifold and needed $1500 repair, most said I needed new exhuast system at around $4-600 and the winner said I needed a new bracket and that it'd be about $30. Had them fix it for me and was just fine after. 

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skeptoid's picture

My mother once paid $791 at Canadian tire, and this was 20 years ago, to have the passenger side door handle on her car fixed.

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stokkebye's picture

Holy shit! 


Yeah, I try to do all my own work, save a ton of money. Takes me a bit longer, but its a skill I will have forever.  

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Dagambit's picture

Tesla doesn't have this issue. Just saying. 

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