Yes like to much sugar, fuck off!....... Look at these motherfucker with weekly injections ...growth hormones testosterone and various sterioids. Granted they have a oncologist on call..... Either way, 80-90 action stars should be long dead according to...... steroids are whooooo bad!
Yeah to much is really fucking bad and you will die @ 40 of a heart attack.
Be responsible, get the right shit......and you can look like this @ 75. Cost a fucktonn though.
(Old Spike)
Cool Video!
(Old Spike)
Steroids are bad though right?
Yes like to much sugar, fuck off!....... Look at these motherfucker with weekly injections ...growth hormones testosterone and various sterioids. Granted they have a oncologist on call..... Either way, 80-90 action stars should be long dead according to...... steroids are whooooo bad!
Yeah to much is really fucking bad and you will die @ 40 of a heart attack.
Be responsible, get the right shit......and you can look like this @ 75. Cost a fucktonn though.