27 years at burger king without a fail day


danman's picture

dude should do a gofundme for proper severance

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danman's picture

oh hey he got something

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Pdub's picture

After 5 years at my job, I got a few choices.  A shit watch, personalized pen, some necklace that is probably worthless, and a cheap toolset.  I took the toolset.  Same thing after 10 years, but you get a pin, and more choices.  


I think that guy might go postal.  He sounded like he was breaking down talking about it.

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Ok, so, I need to ask, cause at 5yrs we got one of those SEIKO mantle piece clocks, made with authentic gold-colored plastic. Really thoughtful. You can literally hear the seconds, weeks, months, years ticking by as you work. ;-)  But it's 5yrs.. or 10yrs as you say. What's so special about 27? He seems like a nice guy but how profitable would the company be if it bought everyone a steak dinner every year on their anniversary.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

As far as I understand it this bag was the only thing he received in 27 years, probably of the 27 years he worked at his company he did a straight number like 20 or 15 at bk.


I find it appauling how for employees that have no real opportunity to advance in their jobs but still remain committed for a long time management thinks shitty stuff like this is gratifying. Shows how detached they are and that it is 100% employers market.



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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Now I understand. If this is the cumulative collection of gifts received over the years, that is indeed a slap in the face. The only thing missing was a partially used roll of lifesavers.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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It's not a 100% employers market.


It depends entirely on what job you take.


If you don't like your job leave and do something else.


Can't afford to? Then look quietly while gritting your teeth at your current job, then move into next job.


Can't find a job in your field?


Change careers.


Stop being a victim.

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