Lets say more maybe way more then 30, because when vaccinated you don't even feel the virus anymore, so less likely to get yourself tested.
Average: 4.2(5 votes)
daftcunt (Old Spike)
So this guy is not a nutter after all?
Hillarious. karenoid is going to be devestated. Oooooh and the other muppets will probably have to say something too.
I always wondered why this guy's videos were posted despite him promoting social distancing and mask wearing.
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Dude (Old Spike)
They will say that this guy has been bought by the establishment or they used mind control on him, or other rubbish like that.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
had a thought, maybe the unvaxxed don't have a life worth living
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jdt73 (Short Spike)
Thanks for revealing how retarded you three ^^^ are.
Go sniff each others farts some more, It's hallarious.
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Dude (Old Spike)
But they smell so good
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
The instant he honestly presents a statistic that can be dishonestly used to support your dishonest narrative, suddenly he's not a nutter. How transparently disingenuous are you trying to be here? Because I think you might take the cake. Statistics are lovely things - in both cases, whether vaxxed or not, your chance of being hospitalized because of COVID is less than 1%. Regardless. See what I did there? Same data, different way of presenting it.
This stuff I think is a bit too complex for you. You should stick with Hegel and Billiard balls.
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sato (Old Spike)
the logical fallacy you've made just there is called the fallacy of composition. you've incorrectly assumed that one statement made by this guy or any others has bearing on the factuality of other statements made by them. people can be right about some things and wrong about others.
perhaps you could explain why you think posting the videos of someone who promotes social distancing and mask wearing is strange?
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
i think of this guy
i just can't see him being right about some things based on what he's said in the past. if he does, either he or me has had a stroke
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
The fact that it wouldn't be obvious to you that Sato would have no interest in that guy is a testament to the degree to which your ideology clouds your perception and ability to judge the world around you.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
why does sato's interest in someone matter? after all, like sato says "people can be right about some things and wrong about others" which makes me wonder what sato thinks hitler was right about
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
That right THERE! You brought Alex Jones into this, and then you brought HITLER into this. You're just a clown, aren't you? And you know it. I used to have respect for you - for that I'm a bit ashamed. You're a clown - that's it. And you're happy with that. Okay, soldier on dunce - you choose to live your life like a beat-down clown.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
"you've incorrectly assumed that one statement made by this guy or any others has bearing on the factuality of other statements made by them. "
No, I have incorrectly assumed that this guy is a nutter because karenoid posted his stuff. I don't watch most of what the conspiracytard's post because their "experts" and "scientists" usually don't fit the definition but are rather bloggers that cater for a specific audience. I made a similar comment to karenoid in another post.
I haven't even watched this video (hence the questionmark following the word "nutter") because it is not telling us much new now, is it.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
The reason you gave for why you thought this guy was a nutter is meant to insult me but only makes you look stupid. If I was a crazy person why would you organize your life on this site around what I do or don't post? What kind of idiot would that make you?
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
"If I was a crazy person why would you organize your life on this site around what I do or don't post?"
Oh boy would't you love that now. Have to disappoint you little queen of inadvertant comedy, I don't. There are quite few other people that give you more attention than you get from me on here, hun.
You are the one that is obsessed that people like me treat you seriously.
And you can relax, I told you plenty a time that I don't think you are crazy. You definitely have some sort of mental condition, which probably but not necessarily has to do with drugs (either not being on your prescribed meds or taking shit you are not supposed to) but outright crazy, I never said that.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
"Oh boy would't you love that now. Have to disappoint you little queen of inadvertant comedy, I don't. There are quite few other people that give you more attention than you get from me on here, hun."
^ See that right there. For someone with even a medium-level comprehension of normal human psychology that statement from you is revealing in its inadvertent transparency. Do you undertand that? It's the lack of self-awareness that makes you so embarrassing, Daft Cunt. And it would be fine - look at Dude I have no problem with that guy despite the things he says that seem to very obviously point to X and Y. I don't wish him ill because he doesn't organize his life around me with a bizarre obsession that any normal person would be embarrassed to reveal in public. And yet you do so. Repeatedly. I know you use this as a throwaway insult, but I actually mean it - you need to talk to someone man, before it's too late and based on what I've seen it probably is. You're just sad.
I neither need nor want you to take me seriously - that's how you think. You are desperate for others to take you seriously. That's why you focus so hard on whatever you think the authorities of today are pushing as the socially-accepted message and then repeat by rote without comprehension, hoping that the regard ascribed to them will somehow rub off on you. It's desperately sad. And not only that but you actively go out of your way to attack those who say "Wait, I have questions." It reveals that you're extremely terrified of life, of your existence, of yourself. If I wanted the validation of being taken seriously, why would I seek it here? I've got another platform where any currency I'd want to collect on that front has been received and appreciated and has no relationship to this site at all. Don't you know that, specimen?
Why would you organize your life and antics on this site around someone that you think is not on the necessary prescription drugs? That's equally bizarre - it all says more about you than it does about me. And all you do when you attempt to craft insults based on whatever you can glean of information from my person life is support my point - you prove me right. Keep saying I'm a drug user or an alcoholic or "not on my meds" and keep proving me right, every time. LOL I laugh, but there a bit of perplexity in my laugh - why do you want the world to know that you are this disturbed, Daft Cunt?
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
lol, you writing longwinded "psychological" explanations following my comment says way more about you than you realise and also contradicts what you are actually stating. This is hillarious again, hun.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
^ - lol is that short enough for you, simpleton? And what you call a "psychological" explanation isn't that at all - it's just basic observation of your behavior on this site. No degree is needed for anyone who isn't a part of your sick cult to understand what I wrote. You don't address it because you know it's true.
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Dude (Old Spike)
Am i the only one that does not read long comments, if you can't say it in a few words it is probably not worth reading.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
This is especially true if it originated from karenoid or blackswordcunt!
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jdt73 (Short Spike)
yep cunt.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
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jdt73 (Short Spike)
what did you say?
I dont read any comments by 'dude'.
please reply with a sock puppet account.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
So, I'll throw this in the mix for good measure:
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sato (Old Spike)
yeah but that's not how percentages work.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Oh really? It is a nice explanation why what seems to be a comparatively large number of vaccinated are hospitalised.
Now do I really have to explain percentages to you? Really?
OK, knowledgebomb:
A small percentage of a large number may be bigger than a large percentage of a small number. WOW
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Whether you're vaxxed or not your chance of being hospitalized is less than 1%. Everything else is just hot air from someone who's just admitted multiple times in this thread that he's a fucking moron.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
So now we have gone from a 1-2% death rate to a 1% hospitalisation rate? Do I have to revise my statement about you not being outright crazy?
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
In Canada it is a 0.016 death rate, and a 0.017 hospitalization rate, with no breakdown between vaxxed and unvaxxed. The last stat I had from the CDC pegged the hospitalization rate for the unvaxxed at 0.89%. I'm wondering - are you retarded enough to believe that everyone who died from COVID was also hospitalized?
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
I don't have data for Canada, so let's take US (and UK, Spain):
Weekly deaths: 7.4k = +/- 1% of new infections (UK 1k, or 0.3%, Spain 0,13k or 0.3%)
Weekly hospitalisation: 41k = +/- 6% of new infections (UK, 6.4k or 2.1%, Spain 0,4k or 0.9%)
This is despite detection is more accurate than it was a year ago.
Just goes to show that the better protected the population (by vaccination) the less hospitalisation requirement and deaths. So for Canada, although you may actually be correct on the TOTAL of hospitalisations and deaths, the conclusion this applies equally to vaccinated and unvaccinated is so ridiculous that I can't even find any other explanation than..... well, you know.
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Dude (Old Spike)
That is exactly how it works, i thought asians where good at math :)
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
I think he's not asian, he just lives there (or claims to).....
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Dude (Old Spike)
I think he is Japanese, otherwise you would not live there, they speak almost no English and they are kind of racist.
Got into many fights there, but they do have honor, so that is respectable, and also kind of child-like
(Old Spike)
So this guy is not a nutter after all?
Hillarious. karenoid is going to be devestated. Oooooh and the other muppets will probably have to say something too.
I always wondered why this guy's videos were posted despite him promoting social distancing and mask wearing.
(Old Spike)
They will say that this guy has been bought by the establishment or they used mind control on him, or other rubbish like that.
(Old Spike)
had a thought, maybe the unvaxxed don't have a life worth living
(Short Spike)
Thanks for revealing how retarded you three ^^^ are.
Go sniff each others farts some more, It's hallarious.
(Old Spike)
But they smell so good
(Old Spike)
The instant he honestly presents a statistic that can be dishonestly used to support your dishonest narrative, suddenly he's not a nutter. How transparently disingenuous are you trying to be here? Because I think you might take the cake. Statistics are lovely things - in both cases, whether vaxxed or not, your chance of being hospitalized because of COVID is less than 1%. Regardless. See what I did there? Same data, different way of presenting it.
This stuff I think is a bit too complex for you. You should stick with Hegel and Billiard balls.
(Old Spike)
the logical fallacy you've made just there is called the fallacy of composition. you've incorrectly assumed that one statement made by this guy or any others has bearing on the factuality of other statements made by them. people can be right about some things and wrong about others.
perhaps you could explain why you think posting the videos of someone who promotes social distancing and mask wearing is strange?
(Old Spike)
i think of this guy
i just can't see him being right about some things based on what he's said in the past. if he does, either he or me has had a stroke
(Old Spike)
The fact that it wouldn't be obvious to you that Sato would have no interest in that guy is a testament to the degree to which your ideology clouds your perception and ability to judge the world around you.
(Old Spike)
why does sato's interest in someone matter? after all, like sato says "people can be right about some things and wrong about others" which makes me wonder what sato thinks hitler was right about
(Old Spike)
That right THERE! You brought Alex Jones into this, and then you brought HITLER into this. You're just a clown, aren't you? And you know it. I used to have respect for you - for that I'm a bit ashamed. You're a clown - that's it. And you're happy with that. Okay, soldier on dunce - you choose to live your life like a beat-down clown.
(Old Spike)
"you've incorrectly assumed that one statement made by this guy or any others has bearing on the factuality of other statements made by them. "
No, I have incorrectly assumed that this guy is a nutter because karenoid posted his stuff. I don't watch most of what the conspiracytard's post because their "experts" and "scientists" usually don't fit the definition but are rather bloggers that cater for a specific audience. I made a similar comment to karenoid in another post.
I haven't even watched this video (hence the questionmark following the word "nutter") because it is not telling us much new now, is it.
(Old Spike)
The reason you gave for why you thought this guy was a nutter is meant to insult me but only makes you look stupid. If I was a crazy person why would you organize your life on this site around what I do or don't post? What kind of idiot would that make you?
(Old Spike)
"If I was a crazy person why would you organize your life on this site around what I do or don't post?"
Oh boy would't you love that now. Have to disappoint you little queen of inadvertant comedy, I don't. There are quite few other people that give you more attention than you get from me on here, hun.
You are the one that is obsessed that people like me treat you seriously.
And you can relax, I told you plenty a time that I don't think you are crazy. You definitely have some sort of mental condition, which probably but not necessarily has to do with drugs (either not being on your prescribed meds or taking shit you are not supposed to) but outright crazy, I never said that.
(Old Spike)
"Oh boy would't you love that now. Have to disappoint you little queen of inadvertant comedy, I don't. There are quite few other people that give you more attention than you get from me on here, hun."
^ See that right there. For someone with even a medium-level comprehension of normal human psychology that statement from you is revealing in its inadvertent transparency. Do you undertand that? It's the lack of self-awareness that makes you so embarrassing, Daft Cunt. And it would be fine - look at Dude I have no problem with that guy despite the things he says that seem to very obviously point to X and Y. I don't wish him ill because he doesn't organize his life around me with a bizarre obsession that any normal person would be embarrassed to reveal in public. And yet you do so. Repeatedly. I know you use this as a throwaway insult, but I actually mean it - you need to talk to someone man, before it's too late and based on what I've seen it probably is. You're just sad.
I neither need nor want you to take me seriously - that's how you think. You are desperate for others to take you seriously. That's why you focus so hard on whatever you think the authorities of today are pushing as the socially-accepted message and then repeat by rote without comprehension, hoping that the regard ascribed to them will somehow rub off on you. It's desperately sad. And not only that but you actively go out of your way to attack those who say "Wait, I have questions." It reveals that you're extremely terrified of life, of your existence, of yourself. If I wanted the validation of being taken seriously, why would I seek it here? I've got another platform where any currency I'd want to collect on that front has been received and appreciated and has no relationship to this site at all. Don't you know that, specimen?
Why would you organize your life and antics on this site around someone that you think is not on the necessary prescription drugs? That's equally bizarre - it all says more about you than it does about me. And all you do when you attempt to craft insults based on whatever you can glean of information from my person life is support my point - you prove me right. Keep saying I'm a drug user or an alcoholic or "not on my meds" and keep proving me right, every time. LOL I laugh, but there a bit of perplexity in my laugh - why do you want the world to know that you are this disturbed, Daft Cunt?
(Old Spike)
lol, you writing longwinded "psychological" explanations following my comment says way more about you than you realise and also contradicts what you are actually stating. This is hillarious again, hun.
(Old Spike)
^ - lol is that short enough for you, simpleton? And what you call a "psychological" explanation isn't that at all - it's just basic observation of your behavior on this site. No degree is needed for anyone who isn't a part of your sick cult to understand what I wrote. You don't address it because you know it's true.
(Old Spike)
Am i the only one that does not read long comments, if you can't say it in a few words it is probably not worth reading.
(Old Spike)
This is especially true if it originated from karenoid or blackswordcunt!
(Short Spike)
yep cunt.
(Old Spike)
(Short Spike)
what did you say?
I dont read any comments by 'dude'.
please reply with a sock puppet account.
(Old Spike)
So, I'll throw this in the mix for good measure:
(Old Spike)
yeah but that's not how percentages work.
(Old Spike)
Oh really? It is a nice explanation why what seems to be a comparatively large number of vaccinated are hospitalised.
Now do I really have to explain percentages to you? Really?
OK, knowledgebomb:
A small percentage of a large number may be bigger than a large percentage of a small number. WOW
(Old Spike)
Whether you're vaxxed or not your chance of being hospitalized is less than 1%. Everything else is just hot air from someone who's just admitted multiple times in this thread that he's a fucking moron.
(Old Spike)
So now we have gone from a 1-2% death rate to a 1% hospitalisation rate? Do I have to revise my statement about you not being outright crazy?
(Old Spike)
In Canada it is a 0.016 death rate, and a 0.017 hospitalization rate, with no breakdown between vaxxed and unvaxxed. The last stat I had from the CDC pegged the hospitalization rate for the unvaxxed at 0.89%. I'm wondering - are you retarded enough to believe that everyone who died from COVID was also hospitalized?
(Old Spike)
I don't have data for Canada, so let's take US (and UK, Spain):
Weekly new infections: 670k (UK 300k, Spain 44k)
Weekly deaths: 7.4k = +/- 1% of new infections (UK 1k, or 0.3%, Spain 0,13k or 0.3%)
Weekly hospitalisation: 41k = +/- 6% of new infections (UK, 6.4k or 2.1%, Spain 0,4k or 0.9%)
This is despite detection is more accurate than it was a year ago.
Just goes to show that the better protected the population (by vaccination) the less hospitalisation requirement and deaths. So for Canada, although you may actually be correct on the TOTAL of hospitalisations and deaths, the conclusion this applies equally to vaccinated and unvaccinated is so ridiculous that I can't even find any other explanation than..... well, you know.
(Old Spike)
That is exactly how it works, i thought asians where good at math :)
(Old Spike)
I think he's not asian, he just lives there (or claims to).....
(Old Spike)
I think he is Japanese, otherwise you would not live there, they speak almost no English and they are kind of racist.
Got into many fights there, but they do have honor, so that is respectable, and also kind of child-like