4th Largest California Bank Collapses

Pantysoaker's picture

Silicon Valley Bank closed today

nothing to see here :)

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Pdub's picture

1 down.

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sato's picture

almost like when people have just barely enough to live on that the incidence of default will increase. wow, what a revelation.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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This is just the first domino.

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danman's picture

isn't it the 2nd American bank to go under within a week?

I'm not really keeping up.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Yup, The 100 + year scheme of the Anglo Bankers and friends is reaching it's fruition. They were using the Ukraine war and Covid to finish looting the wealth from the middle class and are completing the wealth transfer to themselves.

The want the commoner currency completely ruined so they'll accept their programmable digital surveillance coin since their fiat scheme has run it's course.

Problem, reaction, solution.

The question is how long will it take. Dominos can start coming down technicly anytime, or they can be toppling over a few years. I think it mostly depends how long it takes to make the collapse look organic enough to prevent rejection of the new system from the general population. If enough people reject it and prefer to suffer. (People like myself) Then they have to go back to the drawing board. 

What they are terrified of is too many of us creating new currency systems and decentralizing production to local levels, to circumvent need of their system.

That's why governments attacked the crypto market and local farming industries as a couple of examples. It's the real reason they make foolish bylaws for people not to have private gardens and small live stock in some cities, and also why they are trying to eliminate fee simple land deals from the market, since private property seizures will be a lynch pin of their scheme in the future.


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danman's picture

> "...to finish looting the wealth from the middle class and are completing the wealth transfer to themselves"

I'm not sure there's an end game with that racket. It's been like this since forever.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Of course there is. It's been like that forever because it's a snowball effect. It perpetually accelerates. It's the cause of inflation. All kinds of economic experts (Taught under the system they own) have all kinds of explanation for it. But the real truth is that inflation has no REAL reason to exist. There is only shortages of supply because they break supply on purpose. There is only excess printing of money because they demand it. It also accounts for missing tax money. 

All this money we pay in taxes but the only thing that gets improved in our society is police armament and surveillance, while everything keeps deteriorating. Because deteriorating our conditions weakens us and benefits them. They have most of their end goals set for about 2030. One world digital surveillance coin, complete surveillance of society, All free societies subjugated by about 2037, Earth depopulated by about 95% through famines, 3rd world collapse, wars, and societal collapse across the globe between now and 2050.

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