almost compost


Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

He is doing the best he can.... or he wants to end his career there and then...

Sniper picture is fake btw i used to snipe there is no way to blend in that well looking from this distance it is a tree with a glove and a rifle.

Or else they came a long way with the ghillie suits

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n0val33t's picture
front page

He will survive the war due to pure good old fashion stupid! Send way back in the rear as a liability..... get a medal and as a Russian hero ....procreate. Get a new station with a rank this time, the same thing happens, liability "We send him to the rear" Survives another rotation and another medal and rank and so on and so forth until he's a fucking general!

General Liability reporting for service Premier Putin!

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