American Nazis, 1939

danmanjones's picture

Field of Vision - A Night at the Garden

For the record, Auschwitz-Birkenau was liberated by the Soviet Union. They spent 300 soldiers doing it.



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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras


got to respect them for not editing or deleting the comment.


you know we wouldnt be having this pig flu problem in china if the allies in ww2 just let japan have china.

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danmanjones's picture

Respect the US State Dept? LOL

America Swine Flu originated in the United States.

The Empire of the Rising Sadists were never taking China & we should have let Stalin invade Japan instead of letting those sick mfers surrender & gifting the Americans with a large nation of pet Asians.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

second sino japanese war,

they invaded china. they controled it until the allies joined the fight

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danmanjones's picture

The Japanesee sadists "controlled" China the same way the American hypocrites "control" Afghanistan, but even less so. China didn't let their central government fall. They moved it from Nanking to Chonqing.


Japs controlled the major cities but their logistics were a nightmare due to Communist guerillas. It was a quagmire.



The Japs knew they couldn't win, that's why they were desparately creating & using biological warfare agents. They spread cholera & the black plague all over China, one of their cholera WMDs wiped out 200,000 people. The resolve of the Chinese only got stronger.


We should have let Stalin have at em. Burning down Tokyo & dropping a couple of small nukes wasn't enough. They still have an obvious fascist-supremacist underbelly - their PM is the grandson of one of the war criminals from WWII & was mentored by him. They don't teach their history properly at all. Half of those crazy cunts think they were the victims in WWII & their PM worships the war criminals at the Yasukuni Shrine while prominant politicians deny the "comfort women" policy was even wrong. Denying history is unhealthy.

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Raining Blood's picture

the british trained the chinese guerillas and the americans financed china during the war, china was suckalling at the teat, if it wasnt for the west, you'de be speaking cantonese with a japanese accent

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danmanjones's picture

The Communists in China were supported by USSR but not with a lot because they needed it to do all the heavy lifting in the war against Germany.


The Brits & Americans built Japan from scratch in the late 19th Century & the Brits backed them while they took Korea & Manchuria etc. They refused to sell anything to China that could help them against the sadistic freaks from Japan.


In the end America sold some weaponry to the Chinese fascists while the Brits gave them a tiny bit of training only as a way of countering the Russia-friendly Chinese communists (Japan, in true parasite form, attacked China while China was engaged in a civil war & after a century of hardship at the hands of white supremacist nations UK/USA/Germany etc).


Japan has only ever been an introverted offshoot of the Middle Kingdom with a bad case of little brother syndrome. They were still practically in the stone age until the Chinese introduced civilisation there in the 7th century. All "Japanese traditional culture" is nothing more than cheap knockoffs from the Middle Kingdom.


Japan is already kissing China's ass but you ain't seen nothing yet. Wait another decade or 2 when China orders that shitstain US empire out of the West Pacific, then you'll see what's what. Japs will be crawling on their bellies for centuries to come grasping at the crumbs the Chinese drop. Tick tock motherfuckers.

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Raining Blood's picture

chinas birth rate is on the decline, 1.6 right now, chinas pollution kills like 50k babies a year, if we wait another decade or 2 you might not exist

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danmanjones's picture

China's population is still expanding while those pedos in Japan have extreme population decline. They seem happy with their hentai & uninterested in real life women these days. Soon they'll have their sex dolls to accelerate their population decline even further. It's an unhealthy culture & Darwin's doing his thing. It's what happens when you can't face your demons. Uncle Sam isn't gonna help them out of this jam & will soon be ordered out of the West Pacific - Chinese Navy is set to double the size of the American one by 2030. Are you ready for this new dynamic?


Tick tock.

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Raining Blood's picture

chinas birth rate is 0.2 more than japan. its safe to say that both of you are in the gutter except one of you is doing it by choice, too much led based paint in your diet bud

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danmanjones's picture

"in the gutter" lol. That's a funny way to describe a nation based solely on the population trend, one which is still expanding beyond 1.4 billion people & has a 2-child policy in place.


Japan has all sorts of government-sponsored schemes to incentivize their nation of pedos to have children. Problem is they don't seem interested in real women any more. Judging by their anime porn, any female that's hit puberty is passed her used-by date.


American birthrates are in the gutter too, that's why they keep importing labour & can't get any semblance of healthy culture going on. It's a degenerate mess that still hasn't recovered from centuries of race-based slavery.


It's an interesting phenomina how Westerners fetishize the Japs for no apparent reason. The Japs worship the Americans, it's quite pathetic but more understandable after they were cucked so hard last century. America & Japan deserve each other.

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Raining Blood's picture

well there is so many population trends i could have picked that i should have said china was in the shitter, you got the chinese tourist that come and shit in public or use a canal or war memorial cenotaph fountain to baith. you got the re-eduation camps. you got an abismal birth rate, same for the immigration rate. say what you want about japan, people still want to move there and atleast they aren't scouring the world for animal penis'.


how awesome is it to live in a country that tells you how many children you can have? didnt know you could brag about it. how well does a population expand when every 2 people have 1.6 children, only about 1500 people migrate to china a year and child mortality rate is 12 kids per 1000. here i thought asian were good at math. the only thing in china thats expanding is disease.


i wouldnt say we fetishize them for no reason. we like all attractive asian women, it's just that the japanese women are more appealing than the others and as a westerner you could have your choice.

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danmanjones's picture

I don't know how the population is expanding it just is, your math is obviously lacking. It hit 1.4 billion for the first time on Jan 17.


Westerners don't just fetishize the women they fetishize the Japanese as a kind of pets, like token Westerners in Asia. I'm not sure if you've been to Japan but it's like visiting a hospital. There's barely anything Asian about it other than the way people look & talk & none of them speak English. Rather than seeing anything that looks like it has history to it you see a bunch of chain stores & hentai shops.


Japanese people there are super polite & yet deeply racist. They have a fake politeness that's pleasant for a visiter without any knowledge of their culture but once you understand how they think it's impossible not to see them as 2-faced. I don't expect you to understand this, Americans are more likely to get fooled by the polite exterior. Just enjoy it & don't think too much about it, things will become more obvious in time.


Whether the PRC should eliminate the 2-child policy or not is neither here nor there & will be determined by the Chinese themselves - they have a government who listens to them. Do you? Besides, it hasn't made much difference going from 1-child to 2-child policy because most couples just want to have 1 these days for financial reasons. It's inline with China's future plans & if they wanted to boost fertility rates they could but they're going high-tech now & don't want to have to provide so many jobs. Meanwhile your model is to keep importing cheap labour to prop up the 1%. How in the fuck are you ever gonna have a cohesive culture with that policy & so much inherent racism in your country? Good luck, mate!


Japan on the other hand is panicking about their aging population & massive debt levels. That nation was cucked in WWII & their economy was re-cucked in 1987 with the Plaza Accords. It has no real sovereignty, it's a vassal of the global shit stain American empire. Thing is they're not stoopid enough to rely on cheap imported labour to prop them up. They're more clever & devious than you may think. How do you think they escaped facing trial for most of the war crimes they committed?

They're already getting ready to bail from the shit hole empire & warming up to China. Abe has been kissing Xi's ass lately & they donated a million medical masks a few days ago. They're gonna bend over for Chine in the next 2 decades as this global neoliberal shit stain empire crumbles into its place in history as the failure that it is.


Keep fetishizing the Japs, you'll be seen as a 3rd-class people before you know it.

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Raining Blood's picture

well, you didnt rebuke anything i said so i'll just move onto the next issue, racism in china

Scholars have suggested that the People's Republic of China largely portrays racism as a Western phenomenon which has led to a lack of acknowledgement of racism in its own society.[29][30][31] For example, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination reported in 2018 that Chinese law does not define "racial discrimination."


you do know i'm not american right? feels like you keep mentioned america as if its going to offend me

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danmanjones's picture

The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is not a UN organisation. They're a US NGO used to push a Washington narrative.


It's funny you want to argue about the racism. Tell me why the Japanese have such an unfavourable view of China & South Korea...after all the atrocities they committed against those states in WWII, don't you think the Chinese should at least hate the Japs more than vice versa?

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

you posted 3 different version of that comment.


i like how you went from the fountains thing dsoesn't happen .to. ok poorer travelers might do some stuff to not even mentioning it. imagine comments were said aloud, infornt of everyone. get it right the first time. buddy bloods got a story about chinese immigrants eating roadkill racoon and uh, what do you call it when you leave gutted fish out until its covered in a swarms of flies?


racism is funny in asia. you not only go by blood but also by lineage. the most interesting part is that as a gweilo, i can move to china, become a citzen, renounce my canadian citizenship but never be chinese. but you as a chinese person can move to canada, become a citizen.... and become canadian. same goes for becoming an american.


funny info graphic you used. it's suppose to go with this one,1536

 you know that infographic was done before japan and south korea entered into a military pact in 2016? you know that south korea had a ban on all japanese media till about 20 years ago? you know that south korea actually kidnapped the future president of south korea from japan in the 70's? probably some pretty good reason there and plus the war and all. you know that south korea has a pop over 50 million and just over 7 million visit japan every year for the past 6 or so years?


heres a cool graphic

i doubt you could pay a westener enough money to voluntarily move to one of the countries that deems china favorible

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danmanjones's picture

i doubt you could pay a westener enough money to voluntarily move to one of the countries that deems china favorible

What's that got to do with anything? Please answer, I want to hear you squirm around such a supremacist statement.


You ask if I know what's going on between Japan & Korea... do you?

Since last year there's been a huge dispute between the countries over "comfort women" (Japanese systematic rape of women & children that they fail to acknowledge despite their highest court ruling in favour of the Korean side).


You say that graphic goes with this other graphic, I say bullshit, that has nothing to do with racism & I haven't even seen it before.


The "military pact" between SKorea & Japan is on extremely thin ice, just FYI. It's nothign more than another desperate attempt from the Americans to box China in & SKorea walked away from it late last year, only for it to be rescued at the last minute by a bunch visits (& no doubt threats) from high-level American officials.


Your 2nd graphic doesn't mean shit either in this context. We were discussing whether Chinese are more racist than Japanese.


You don't know jack about either culture sal. If you move to China & can speak the language they will accept you as their own 100%. Japanese NEVER accept foreigners as their own. It's not only in their culture, it's systemic - even 3rd generation non-Japanese struggle to get into good elementary schools there.


Why don't you give us another cool but completely unrelated graphic?

Tell me what country you're from first though, it seems only fair.

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