i know i speak for many out there when i say this:
"god damn it"
that is all.
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Dagambit (Long Spike)
Congrats, she/he played themself. She is now: A straight white male, I accept this and hope he has to audition for just those roles. I want to see some auditions against The Chris'(s)(es) (Pratt, Hemsworth, Pine, Evans).
Good luck, looks like you will just have to actually thrive on your own merit and skills dickface. (it's customary to call other males funny putdowns)
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Pdub (Old Spike)
Wait, so she is a he, now, yet queer. Does he date or have interest in a woman? Because that would make him not queer, but straight. Right?
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Champ (Short Spike)
Ugh, she just went down from a 6.5 to a 6
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Sempaliscious (Short Spike)
Her forehead started yesterday and goes all the way into next year.
(Site Administrator)
i know i speak for many out there when i say this:
"god damn it"
that is all.
(Long Spike)
Congrats, she/he played themself. She is now: A straight white male, I accept this and hope he has to audition for just those roles. I want to see some auditions against The Chris'(s)(es) (Pratt, Hemsworth, Pine, Evans).
Good luck, looks like you will just have to actually thrive on your own merit and skills dickface. (it's customary to call other males funny putdowns)
(Old Spike)
Wait, so she is a he, now, yet queer. Does he date or have interest in a woman? Because that would make him not queer, but straight. Right?
(Short Spike)
Ugh, she just went down from a 6.5 to a 6
(Short Spike)
Her forehead started yesterday and goes all the way into next year.