Anne Frank had it better

sal9000's picture

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says Anne Frank had it better than us because of no 5G or vaccines

there was rally yesterday put on by that JP guy. had such misinformation speakers such as the inventor of the mrna vaccines, dr kory and dr mccullough. it also had a musical performance by jimmy levy, he's a flat earther

Average: 4 (2 votes)


skeptoid's picture

It's funny to see how wokeists panic - right now it's like their handlers have gone on vacation and the kids have been left to produce their own propaganda without guidance. The results have been hilarious so far. Go check out the Science 2.0 channel - give this guy some more views for the comedy he's given us tonight. 


Ask sal9000 about how much more viable Marxism is now because of our technological advances.

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