Imagine a BLM anitifa gets arrested at a MAGA rally and starts asking the crowd "if they can believe it", asking for help and comradery. Everyone in that food court has a vaccine, like good little sheep. I dont think they have much sympathy.
Thats crazy the security can handcuff you for trespassing. Detaining you kinda defeats the purpose of trespassing doesnt it? LOL
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TheWeirdo (cool)
It's missing the 1/2 hour of patience theses guys had before it came to this.
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InsertCoin (Short Spike)
If anyone's a hiker.. he's the type of dude that howls when he reaches the peak just to make sure you know he's having a good day
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Dude (Old Spike)
His mustache alone broke the law :)
If he realy wanted to be a dick he could say he was diabetic and needed his shot, if they refused fake a seizure a few minutes later :)
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
My buddy used to do that, he was a diabetic but he would fake a seizure when he got arrested, they'd take him to the hospital and he would walk out when the police left. It was over stupid shit, like stealing towels from the hotel, he was always drunk and was probably drunk but he faked the seizure before the police could test him. I tried it once, pretended to pass out when I got arrested but they had a cop sit in the same room till they were done. Attempting to kill a cop gets you your own personal escort :)
(sounds retarded)
Imagine a BLM anitifa gets arrested at a MAGA rally and starts asking the crowd "if they can believe it", asking for help and comradery. Everyone in that food court has a vaccine, like good little sheep. I dont think they have much sympathy.
Thats crazy the security can handcuff you for trespassing. Detaining you kinda defeats the purpose of trespassing doesnt it? LOL
It's missing the 1/2 hour of patience theses guys had before it came to this.
(Short Spike)
If anyone's a hiker.. he's the type of dude that howls when he reaches the peak just to make sure you know he's having a good day
(Old Spike)
His mustache alone broke the law :)
If he realy wanted to be a dick he could say he was diabetic and needed his shot, if they refused fake a seizure a few minutes later :)
(sounds retarded)
My buddy used to do that, he was a diabetic but he would fake a seizure when he got arrested, they'd take him to the hospital and he would walk out when the police left. It was over stupid shit, like stealing towels from the hotel, he was always drunk and was probably drunk but he faked the seizure before the police could test him. I tried it once, pretended to pass out when I got arrested but they had a cop sit in the same room till they were done. Attempting to kill a cop gets you your own personal escort :)