The Anti-Vaxx Movement

Boomshackalacka's picture

The Story Behind The Anti-Vaxx Movement In America | Rise And Fall

The story of the anti-vaxx movement in America brings out some very interesting characters.


Luckily, sanity will prevail:


Average: 3.3 (6 votes)


stokkebye's picture

Im not an anti-vaxxer but I AM anti-govt! I will defend the choice people should have in not getting it if they dont want to. You cannot start a debate by making disingenuous arguments fright off the bat. Measles, smallpox, polio, etc... were some very nasty diseases that effected children and left life long complications, the China virus does not. The China virus IS similar to the Influenza virus, it will be with us forever and it will mutate just like the flu. The vast majority of people will get the sniffles for a few days and be fine afterwards.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

the china virus is not like influenza, influenza is three seperate virus' that can swap dna with each other in our system. the china virus doesn't do that. 5 million dead in two years, influenza doesnt do that. what the govt should do is make a polio, measles and smallpox mrna vaccines to replace the old one

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skeptoid's picture

Actually, in comparison to other viruses the China virus is more like influenza than it is not like influenza. You keep saying "5 million dead in two years" as though you are concerned about the rate at which people are dying worldwide when you are not at all concerned about that. At all. 


There is still no information on the number of people killed worldwide by the response to this thing that isn't at all like influenza.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

like your sister and your "friend"?


I doubt this is the case at all but please expand on why they committed suicide.

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skeptoid's picture

How about you go fuck yourself?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

See, I knew you lied about this, either about the suicides as such or about the reasons. Otherwise you would have happily reported in detail on here.

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schenobi's picture

Even if you could prove or disprove things that happened in someone's personal life on an anonymous forum it would be still be a massive cunt move to bring it up apropos of nothing, you absolute cunt.

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skeptoid's picture

"Otherwise you would have happily reported in detail on here."


You really think you're a clever manipulator, eh? You're not. You're a transparent fool, as are the rest of your crew. Why deny it? Your ideology requires you to be a fool - it's embedded in the doctrine.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

No, just calling you out for what you are.

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Zeb's picture

You think the anti vax side is crazy? how about these funny kids wearing 2 masks driving alone on a sunny day.

These wacky kids are in danger of drinking bleach from a punchbowl if you tell them its science.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique


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schenobi's picture

Didn't watch, not getting the jab.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Just watch it and get injected plz

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skeptoid's picture


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schenobi's picture


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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

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skeptoid's picture

Weird coming from a guy who is this site's official clown.

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