I just recently found out about ASMR, but if you do a quick search on youtube you see that this has been a thing on this website for a while now. There are tons of videos created to illicit an ASMR response in people, and these channels have subcribers in the MILLIONS! Crazy! So here is a little whisper video staring my beautiful wife, with a short explanation and reaction by me. If you enjoy this video, please remember to like, comment, and subscribe to this channel. Thank you for Watching.
(3 votes)
(Short Spike)
God damn. I can't fucking stand those ASMR videos. Creepy, nasty, cringey.
To be serious about your video; You are real late with this shit. It has been around for a while, and when you "discover" old stuff it just makes this seem needless.Stupid.
Also you don't bring anything new or interesting to the table. Several times you express that you don't know anything about it or how it works etc. I mean, if you are going to be late, at least do some research on the subject.
I gave your video a chance, and listened to it. Next time, don't have your wife whisper, only for you to shout in to the mic afterwards. That is just bad technique.
She probably shouldn't quit her dayjob.
2/5 - points for trying.
(Old Spike)
that your woman??????